Productive Healthy Ageing Profile

Profile Discontinuation Notice February 2025 

Following the response to the 2024 Health and Social Care Statistics consultation, the Productive Healthy Ageing profile will be discontinued in March and several indicators will be no longer updated. The indicators affected are listed in Productive Healthy Ageing Profile DiscontinuationOther indicators will continue to be available in remaining Fingertips profiles.


The productive healthy ageing profile provides data and further information on a wide range of topics relevant to our health as we age.

Indicators can be examined at local, regional and national level.

There is a summary of the indicators with all the available geographies and inequality breakdowns, and the tool launch paper for background on healthy ageing policy. The results of a stakeholder survey (PDF) on the planned tool and potential future indicators helped identify and prioritise further required developments

Additionally, the heathy ageing: consensus statement offers a shared vision for making England the best place in the world to grow old. 

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