August 2024
Dementia new indicators factsheets
New for August, diagnosed dementia type indicators for England, NHS regions and integrated care board (ICB) areas. See Dementia new indicators factsheets in the content section.
Dementia surveillance factsheets update
Estimated Dementia Diagnosis Rate (EDDR) indicator
Indicator in the diagnosing well and prevalence domain of the dementia profile updated with March 2024 data.
June 2024
Dementia surveillance factsheets update
May 2024
Dementia new indicators factsheets
New for May, indicators for 5 new data themes for England, NHS regions and integrated care board (ICB) areas. See Dementia new indicators factsheets in the content section.
April 2024
Dementia surveillance factsheets update
Dementia profile
Transfer of existing data into integrated care board (ICB) areas and sub-integrated care board (Sub-ICB) areas. Removal of clinical commissioning group (CCG) areas and strategic transformation partnership (STP) areas. Consolidation of data presentation into 5 domains.
March 2024
Dementia surveillance factsheets update
January 2024
New dementia surveillance factsheets
September 2023
Updated indicator
The 2023 annual data (March) has now been added for the estimated dementia diagnosis rate (EDDR) indicator. Data has been updated for geographies that include Integrated Care Boards (ICB), sub-Integrated Care Boards (Sub-ICB), Upper Tier Local Authorities (UTLA) and England.
September 2022
Updated factsheets
The following statistical factsheets have been updated on the profile
The factsheets can be found by selecting ‘Reports’ from the ‘Data view’ drop down.
Please note the factsheets updated here have only been produced for the 100 sub-ICB locations and 34 ICB geographies whose boundaries remain unchanged as of July 2022. The factsheets remain labelled with their previous CCG and STP names. Factsheets for previous boundary versions remain available on the dementia profile.
Updated indicator
The following indicator has had historical data added to provide a short time series. The data added is a conversion of data reported previously in older geography boundaries, now revised to report in the latest geography boundaries for local authority, CCG and STP levels.
Diagnosing well domain
July 2022
Updated factsheets:
The following statistical factsheets at CCG and STP levels have been updated on the profile to include data for May 2022
The factsheets can be found by selecting ‘Reports’ from the ‘Data view’ drop down.
The data in the factsheets reflect the April 2021 CCG boundaries but the factsheets need to be selected using the equivalent April 2020 CCG name. We plan to update this next month so that reports can be selected using the appropriate geography set.
Updated indicator:
The following indicator has been updated with March 2022 data at local authority, CCG and STP level. The data used for this indicator has been impacted by COVID19. It is not possible to quantify the impact at this time. Data for other months can be found on the NHS Digital website at
Diagnosing well domain
June 2022
Updated factsheets:
The following statistical factsheets at CCG and STP levels have been updated on the profile to include data for April 2022
The factsheets can be found by selecting ‘Reports’ from the ‘Data view’ drop down.
The data in the factsheets reflect the April 2021 CCG geographical boundaries but the dementia profile still reflects the April 2020 CCG boundaries. Therefore factsheets need to be selected using the 2020 geography name.
May 2022
Updated factsheets:
The following statistical factsheets at CCG and STP levels have been updated on the profile to include data for March 2022
The factsheets can be found by selecting ‘Reports’ from the ‘Data view’ drop down.
The data in the factsheets reflect the April 2021 CCG geographical boundaries but the dementia profile still reflects the April 2020 CCG boundaries. Therefore factsheets need to be selected using the 2020 geography name.
April 2022
Updated factsheets:
The following statistical factsheets at CCG and STP levels have been updated on the profile to include data for February 2022
The factsheets can be found by selecting ‘Reports’ from the ‘Data view’ drop down.
The data in the factsheets reflect the April 2021 CCG geographical boundaries but the dementia profile still reflects the April 2020 CCG boundaries. Therefore factsheets need to be selected using the 2020 geography name.
March 2022
Updated factsheets:
The following statistical factsheets at CCG and STP levels have been updated on the profile to include data for January 2022
The factsheets can be found by selecting ‘Reports’ from the ‘Data view’ drop down.
The data in the factsheets reflect the April 2021 CCG geographical boundaries but the dementia profile still reflects the April 2020 CCG boundaries. Therefore factsheets need to be selected using the 2020 geography name.
February 2022
Updated factsheets:
The following statistical factsheets have been updated on the profile to include data for December 2021. The data in the factsheets reflect the new April 2021 CCG geographical boundaries but the dementia profile still reflects the April 2020 CCG boundaries. Therefore factsheets need to be selected using the 2020 geography name.
The factsheets can be found by selecting ‘Reports’ from the ‘Data view’ drop down.
January 2022
Updated factsheets:
The following statistical factsheets at CCG and STP levels have been updated on the profile to include data for November 2021. The data in the factsheets reflect the new April 2021 CCG geographical boundaries but the dementia profile still reflects the April 2020 CCG boundaries. Therefore factsheets need to be selected using the 2020 geography name.
The factsheets can be found by selecting ‘Reports’ from the ‘Data view’ drop down.
December 2021
Updated factsheets:
The following statistical factsheets at CCG and STP levels have been updated on the profile to include data for October 2021. The data in the factsheets reflect the new April 2021 CCG geographical boundaries but the dementia profile still reflects the April 2020 CCG boundaries. Therefore factsheets need to be selected using the 2020 geography name.
The factsheets can be found by selecting ‘Reports’ from the ‘Data view’ drop down.
Indicator Update:
The following indicators have been updated with the latest data in line with the planned update schedule. The data is now available at CCG/STP and local authority for the 2020/21 period. The data used for these indicators have been impacted by COVID19. It is not possible to quantify the impact at this time.
Preventing well domain
November 2021
Updated factsheets:
The following statistical factsheets have been updated on the profile. The data in the factsheets reflect the new April 2021 CCG geographical boundaries but the dementia profile still reflects the April 2020 CCG boundaries. Therefore factsheets need to be selected using the 2020 geography name.
The factsheets can be found by selecting ‘Reports’ from the ‘Data view’ drop down.
October 2021
Updated factsheets:
The following statistical factsheets at CCG and STP levels have been updated on the profile to include data for August 2021. The data in the factsheets reflect the new April 2021 CCG geographical boundaries but the dementia profile still reflects the April 2020 CCG boundaries. Therefore factsheets need to be selected using the 2020 geography name.
The factsheets can be found by selecting ‘Reports’ from the ‘Data view’ drop down.
September 2021
Updated factsheets:
The following statistical factsheet at CCG and STP levels have been updated on the profile to include data for July 2021. The geographies in the factsheet reflect the new April 2021 CCG geographical boundaries. In contrast the CCG boundaries on the profile still reflect the April 2020 CCG boundaries.
- Wider Impact of Covid19 on Health – Dementia Surveillance Factsheet
The factsheets can be found by selecting ‘Reports’ from the ‘Data view’ drop down.
August 2021
Indicator Update:
The following indicators have been updated with the latest data in line with the planned update schedule. The data is now available at local authority for the 2019/20 period. The data used for these indicators have been impacted by COVID19. It is not possible to quantify the impact at this time.
Diagnosing well
Updated factsheets:
The following statistical factsheet has been updated on the profile and has been added at CCG and STP level as at June 2021 and the geographies in the factsheet reflect the new April 2021 CCG geographical boundaries. In contrast the CCG boundaries on the profile still reflect the April 2020 CCG boundaries.
- Wider Impact of Covid19 on Health – Dementia Surveillance Factsheet
The factsheets can be found by selecting ‘Reports’ from the ‘Data view’ drop down.
July 2021
Indicator Update:
The following indicator has been updated with March 2021 data in line with the planned update schedule. The data is now available at local authority, CCG and STP for the 2021 period. The data used for this indicator has been impacted by COVID19. It is not possible to quantify the impact at this time. The latest data is available from NHS Digital at :
Diagnosing well
Updated factsheets:
The following statistical factsheet has been updated on the profile and has been added at CCG and STP level as at May 2021 and the geographies in the factsheet now reflect the new April 2021 CCG geographical boundaries. In contrast the CCG boundaries on the profile still reflect the April 2020 CCG boundaries. A data appendix has now been added to the factsheets which provides the geographical breakdown of the data in a table format.
- Wider Impact of Covid19 on Health – Dementia Surveillance Factsheet
The factsheets can be found by selecting ‘Reports’ from the ‘Data view’ drop down.
June 2021
Updated factsheets:
The following statistical factsheet has been updated on the profile and has been added at CCG and STP level as at March 2021.
- Wider Impact of Covid19 on Health – Dementia Surveillance Factsheet
The following factsheet has been added at CCG level as at April 2021 and the geographies in the factsheet now reflect the new April 2021 CCG geographical boundaries. In contrast the CCG boundaries on the profile still reflect the April 2020 CCG boundaries.
- Anti-psychotic prescribing factsheet
The factsheets can be found by selecting ‘Reports’ from the ‘Data view’ drop down.
April 2021
Updated factsheets:
The following statistical factsheet has been updated on the profile and has been added at CCG and STP level as at February 2021. The factsheet can be found by selecting ‘Reports’ from the ‘Data view’ drop down.
- Wider Impact of Covid19 on Health – Dementia Surveillance Factsheet
March 2021
New factsheets:
Two new statistical factsheets have been added to the profile, the factsheets can be found by selecting ‘Reports’ from the ‘Data view’ drop down.
The following factsheet has been added at CCG and STP level as at January 2021.
- Wider Impact of Covid19 on Health – Dementia Surveillance Factsheet
The following factsheet has been added at CCG level as at December 2020
- Anti-psychotic prescribing factsheet
February 2021
Indicator Update:
Changes to health organisations in England
In April 2020 new health geographies were established resulting in the number of Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCG) reducing from 191 to 135 and the number of Strategic Transformation Partnerships (STP)/ Integrated Care Systems (ICS) reducing from 44 to 42. All indicators in the dementia profile use the new 2020 geographies and have had data backdated up to 3 years where possible.
The following indicators have been updated for every CCG, STP/ICS and local authority in England.
Preventing Well:
Diagnosing Well:
Living Well:
Supporting Well:
Dying Well:
August 2020
Indicator Update:
The following indicator has been updated with March 2020 data in line with the planned update schedule. The data is now available at local authority, CCG and STP for the 2020 period. The data used for this indicator has been impacted by COVID19. It is not possible to quantify the impact at this time. The latest data is available from NHS Digital at :
Diagnosing well
The following indicator has been updated so that the 2017 data now represents December this is consistent with 2018 and 2019:
The definition of the numerator for the following indicator has changed and now also includes people with a recorded diagnosis of psychosis who are receiving a prescription for anti-psychotic medication. The name has also been ammended to reflect the change. The indicator is available at CCG and STP for 2018 and 2019:
Living well
Old name
New name
April 2020
New Indicator
The following indicator has been added to the Living well domain and has been produced at CCG level for the years 2018 and 2019
Indicator Update:
Revisions have been made to the International Classification of Diseases 10 (ICD) codes used to define the dementia cohort and now includes dementias and Alzheimer’s Disease. The changes affect 17 indicators based on the Hospital Episodes Statistics database (HES) and the Office for National Statistics (ONS): Public Health England Annual Mortality Extract datasets. The indicators have been backdated three years and use the latest geographical boundaries.
The following indicators have been updated for every CCG, STP and local authority in England.
Preventing Well:
Diagnosing Well:
Living Well:
Supporting Well:
Dying Well:
August 2019
The following indicator has been updated and is now available at local authority, CCG and STP for the 2019 period:
Diagnosing well
The profile homepage has been adapted to include an interactive further resources section. The dementia data catalogue has also been updated and an excel version is now available for download. These changes have been made to improve signposting to other sources of dementia intelligence.
April 2019
Changes to the presentation of the Fingertips profile:
We have made changes to the benchmarking and presentation of some indicators in the dementia profile. These changes are being made to ensure consistency in how Fingertips profiles are displayed across PHE. Key changes are:
Indicator Update:
The following indicators have been updated for every CCG, STP and local authority. In addition, the data period is April 1st 2017 to March 31st 2018, unless stated otherwise.
Preventing Well:
Diagnosing Well:
Living Well:
Supporting Well:
Dying Well:
August 2018
The following indicator has been updated and is now available at local authority, CCG and STP for the 2018 period. In addition to this the England value for 2017 has been updated to reflect the NHS health boundaries to be consistent with the 2018 data:
Diagnosing well
March 2018
The following indicators have been updated for every CCG, STP and local authority for the 2016/17 period, unless stated otherwise.
Preventing Well
Diagnosing Well
Living Well
Supporting Well
CCG values for the period 2014/15 to 2015/16 have been calculated due to a change to methodology and boundaries.
Dying Well (all as at 2016)
November 2017
Preventing Well
The new PHOF excess weight indicator 'Percentage of adults (aged 18+) classified as overweight or obese' supersedes 'Excess weight in Adults'. The new indicator is not comparable to the historic one, as the source data has changed and the age classification has changed from 16+ to 18+. The indicator has also changed from a three year average to a one year estimate.
Living Well
'Social Isolation: % of adult carers who have as much social contact as they would like' has been updated. This indicator is presented for local authorities.
October 2017
Opportunity for feedback: We are very interested in any feedback on the downloadable outputs which are available from the download section of the tool. The survey has now closed.
Supporting Well:
The following three new indicators are available at local authority, CCG and STP:
September 2017
Preventing Well
The following new indicator is available for each local authority:
This indicator replaces 'Percentage of physically active and inactive adults - inactive adults'.
Diagnosing Well
Estimated dementia diagnosis rate (aged 65+) has been moved from Prevalence to this domain.
The following three new indicators are available at local authority, CCG and STP:
The following indicator has been updated for local authorities, CCGs and STPs:
July 2017
A PDF download displaying a range of charts is now available for each local authority and CCG from the 'Download' section of the profile.
The downloadable PDFs have been developed as the first part of a programme of work, which seeks to meet a user need for a non-web based version of the profile. An evaluation of this development will soon begin in order to inform future work. If you have any comments, or wish to be notified when the user survey is available, please contact
The following two new indicators are available at local authority, CCG and STP:
The following indicators have been updated for local authorities:
People receiving an NHS Health Check per year
Smoking Prevalence in adults - current smokers (APS)
May 2017
Preventing Well
The following indicator has been updated for local authorities.
Admission episodes for alcohol-related conditions (Narrow) - 40-64 yrs
March 2017
Dying Well
The following indicators have been updated for both CCG and local authorities.
Deaths in Usual Place of Residence: People with dementia aged 65+
Directly Age Standardised Rate of Mortality: People with dementia aged 65+
Place of death - care home: People with dementia aged 65+
Place of death - hospital: People with dementia aged 65+
Place of death - home: People with dementia aged 65+
February 2017
Supporting Well
The following indicators have been updated for both CCG and local authorities. Values for the period 2012/13 to 2015/16 have been calculated due to a change to methodology. The main change is data are presented at CCG of responsibility. For further information refer to the indicator's metadata.
Dementia: Ratio of inpatient service use to recorded diagnoses
Dementia: DSR of emergency admissions (65+)
Dementia: Short stay emergency admissions (65+)
Alzheimer's disease: DSR of inpatient admissions (65+)
Vascular dementia: DSR of inpatient admissions (65+)
Unspecified dementia: DSR of inpatient admissions (65+)
Please note the following indicators have been removed from the profile and will be reviewed.
Supporting Well
Dementia: DSR of emergency admissions (20+)
Dementia: Short stay emergency admissions (20+)
Alzheimer's disease: DSR of inpatient admissions (20+)
Vascular dementia: DSR of inpatient admissions (20+)
Unspecified dementia: DSR of inpatient admissions (20+)
Dying Well
Directly Age-Standardised Rate of Mortality: People with Dementia (20+)
January 2017
The following indicators have been updated for both CCG and local authorities:
Dementia: Recorded Prevalence (all ages) (2015/16)
Dementia: Recorded Prevalence (aged 65+) (March 2016 and Sept 2016)
Diagnosing Well
The following indicators have been updated for both CCG and local authorities:
Hypertension: Recorded Prevalence (all ages) (2015/16)
Stroke: Recorded Prevalence (all ages) (2015/16)
Diabetes: Recorded Prevalence (aged 17+) (2015/16)
CHD: Recorded Prevalence (all ages) (2015/16)
Obesity: Recorded Prevalence (aged 18+) (2015/16) CCG only
(replaces Obesity: Recorded Prevalence (aged 16+) (2015/16)
Smoking: Recorded Prevalence (aged 15+) (2015/16) CCG only
December 2016
Preventing Well
The following indicators have been updated:
Depression: Recorded prevalence (aged 18+) (2015/16)
Smoking Prevalence in adults - current smokers (APS) (2015)
(Please note this replaces Smoking Prevalence in adults - current smokers (IHS))
Diagnosing Well
The following indicator is new:
DEM005: Blood tests recorded (den.incl.exc.) (2015/16)
(Please note this replaces indicator DEM003 Blood tests recorded (den.incl.exc.))
Living Well
The following indicator has been updated:
DEM002: Dementia care has been reviewed last 12 months (den.incl.exc) (2015/16)
Preventing Well
Four indicators have been updated:
Hypertension: Recorded prevalence (all ages) (2014/15)
Stroke: Recorded prevalence (aged 17+) (2014/15)
Diabetes: Recorded prevalence (aged 17+) (2014/15)
CHD: Recorded prevalence (all ages) (2014/15)
A new indicator: People receiving an NHS Health Check per year, has replaced the old indicator: People receiving an NHS Health Check (cumulative).
Pathway on a Page
A ‘Pathway on a Page’ domain has been created; this includes a number of key summary indicators from other dementia domains.
Living well
One new indicator:
Carer-reported quality of life score for those reported to be caring for someone with dementia (2014/15)
Preventing well
Two indicators have been updated:
Percentage of physically active and inactive adults - inactive adults (2015)
People receiving an NHS Health Check (2013/14 Q1 - 2015/16 Q4)
A number of indicators have been updated as shown below.
Preventing well
Admission episodes for alcohol-related conditions (Narrow) (aged 40-64) (2014/15)
Depression: QOF Prevalence (18+) (2014/15)
Supporting well (In addition, the indicators in the supporting well domain have been revised with new methodologies for calculation – please see definitions tab for more detail.)
Dementia: Ratio of inpatient service use to recorded diagnoses (2014/15)
Dementia: DSR of emergency admissions (aged 65+) (2014/15)
Dementia: DSR of emergency admissions (aged 20+) (2014/15)
Dementia: Short stay emergency admissions (aged 65+) (2014/15)
Dementia: Short stay emergency admissions (aged 20+) (2014/15)
Alzheimer's disease: DSR of inpatient admissions (aged 65+) (2014/15)
Alzheimer's disease: DSR of inpatient admissions (aged 20+) (2014/15)
Vascular dementia: DSR of inpatient admissions (aged 65+) (2014/15)
Vascular dementia: DSR of inpatient admissions (aged 20+) (2014/15)
Unspecified dementia: DSR of inpatient admissions (aged 65+) (2014/15)
Unspecified dementia: DSR of inpatient admissions (aged 20+) (2014/15)
Dying well
Directly Age Standardised Mortality Rate: People with dementia aged 20+ (2014)
Directly Age Standardised Mortality Rate: People with dementia aged 65+ (2014)
Deaths in Usual Place of Residence: People with dementia aged 65+ (2014)
Place of death - care home: People with dementia aged 65+ (2014)
Place of death - hospital: People with dementia aged 65+ (2014)
Place of death - home: People with dementia aged 65+ (2014)
The regional values for the indicator 2012/13 - Age standardised rate of people (aged 65+) with a mention of vascular dementia using inpatient hospital services per 100,000 resident population have been revised.
First version released