This page lists the indicators in each domain along the well pathway for Dementia. For enquiries or feedback relating to the Dementia profiles, email
Preventing well
Admission episodes for alcohol-related conditions (narrow aged 40 to 64 years)
Coronary heart disease. Recorded prevalence (all ages)
Depression recorded prevalence (aged 18 and older)
Diabetes QOF prevalence (aged 17 and older)
Estimated smoking prevalence (QOF)
Hypertension recorded prevalence (all ages)
Obesity recorded prevalence (aged 18 and older)
People receiving an NHS health check per year
Percentage of adults (aged 18 and older) classified as overweight or obese (current method)
Percentage of physically inactive adults (current method)
Smoking prevalence in adults (18 and older) (current smokers)
Smoking recorded prevalence (aged 15 and older)
Diagnosing well and prevalence
Diagnosing well
Estimated dementia diagnosis rate (aged 65 and older)
Dementia (aged under 65 years) as a proportion of total dementia (all ages) per 100
Dementia. Crude recorded prevalence (aged under 65 years) per 10,000
Dementia. Recorded prevalence (aged 65 and older)
Dementia. Recorded prevalence (all ages)
Living well and supporting well
Living well
Dementia care plan has been reviewed in preceding 12 months
Dementia. Proportion of people with dementia (with no formal diagnosis of psychosis) prescribed anti-psychotic medication in the preceding six week
Dementia. DSR of emergency admissions (aged 65 and older)
Dementia. Short stay emergency admissions (aged 65 and older)
Social care support
Dementia. Percentage of assessed residential care and nursing home beds (aged 65 and older)
Dementia. Quality rating of residential care and nursing home beds (aged 65 and older)
Dementia. Residential care and nursing home bed capacity (aged 65 and older)
Dying well
Direct standardised rate (DSR) of mortality of people with dementia (aged 65 and older)
Place of death. Care homes and people with dementia (aged 65 and older)
Place of death. Home and people with dementia (aged 65 and older)
Place of death. Hospital and people with dementia (aged 65 and older)