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This page presents information about trends in indicators related to life expectancy.

Table of contents

Life expectancy at birth

Male and Female, all ages

Time period England Value, Male England Value, Female
2001 76.0 80.6
2002 76.2 80.8
2003 76.4 80.7
2004 76.9 81.3
2005 77.2 81.4
2006 77.5 81.8
2007 77.8 81.9
2008 78.0 81.9
2009 78.4 82.5
2010 78.8 82.6
2011 79.2 83.0
2012 79.3 83.0
2013 79.3 83.0
2014 79.6 83.3
2015 79.4 82.9
2016 79.5 83.1
2017 79.6 83.2
2018 79.5 83.2
2019 79.9 83.6
2020 78.5 82.5
2021 78.7 82.8
2022 79.3 83.2
2023 79.3 83.2

You can find more information about this indicator and related data on our Fingertips website. Fingertips is a data platform that contains a large range of indicators organised into topics, such as tobacco, mental health, and mortality.

View life expectancy at birth, male data.

View life expectancy at birth, female data.

View the life expectancy at birth definition.

Visit the public health outcomes framework profile on Fingertips for more information on life expectancy.

Source: Office for National Statistics

The line chart shows the average number of years a person would expect to live based on contemporary mortality rates. For males, the life expectancy in England increased from 76.0 years in 2001 to 79.3 years in 2023. For females, the life expectancy in England increased from 80.6 years in 2001 to 83.2 years in 2023.

Healthy life expectancy at birth

Male and Female, all ages

Time period England Value, Male England Value, Female
2009 - 11 NA NA
2010 - 12 NA NA
2011 - 13 63.0 63.9
2012 - 14 63.2 63.9
2013 - 15 63.2 64.2
2014 - 16 63.3 64.0
2015 - 17 63.3 64.0
2016 - 18 63.3 64.1
2017 - 19 63.2 63.7
2018 - 20 63.1 64.0
2019 - 21 62.7 63.7
2020 - 22 62.3 62.8
2021 - 23 61.5 61.9

You can find more information about this indicator and related data on our Fingertips website. Fingertips is a data platform that contains a large range of indicators organised into topics, such as tobacco, mental health, and mortality.

View healthy life expectancy at birth, male data.

View healthy life expectancy at birth, female data.

View the healthy life expectancy at birth definition.

Visit the public health outcomes framework profile on Fingertips for more information on life expectancy.

Source: Office for National Statistics

The line chart shows the average number of years a person would expect to live in good health based on contemporary mortality rates and prevalence of self reported good health. For males, the life expectancy in England decreased from 63.0 years in 2011 to 2013 to 61.5 years in 2021 to 2023. For females, the life expectancy in England decreased from 63.9 years in 2011 to 2013 to 61.9 years in 2021 to 2023.

Inequality in life expectancy at birth

Male and Female, all ages

Time period England Value, Male England Value, Female
2001 - 03 9.3 6.3
2002 - 04 9.3 6.4
2003 - 05 9.3 6.5
2004 - 06 9.4 6.6
2005 - 07 9.6 6.6
2006 - 08 9.7 6.7
2007 - 09 9.6 6.7
2008 - 10 9.4 6.7
2009 - 11 9.2 6.7
2010 - 12 9.1 6.8
2011 - 13 9.0 6.9
2012 - 14 9.1 7.0
2013 - 15 9.2 7.1
2014 - 16 9.4 7.3
2015 - 17 9.4 7.4
2016 - 18 9.5 7.5
2017 - 19 9.4 7.6
2018 - 20 9.7 7.9

You can find more information about this indicator and related data on our Fingertips website. Fingertips is a data platform that contains a large range of indicators organised into topics, such as tobacco, mental health, and mortality.

View inequality in life expectancy at birth, male data.

View inequality in life expectancy at birth, female data.

View the inequality in life expectancy at birth definition.

Visit the public health outcomes framework profile on Fingertips for more information on life expectancy.

Source: OHID, based on Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government and Office for National Statistics data

The line chart shows the difference between the most and least deprived in the average number of years a person would expect to live based on contemporary mortality rates. For males, the slope index of inequality in England increased from 9.3 years in 2001 to 2003 to 9.7 years in 2018 to 2020. For females, the slope index of inequality in England increased from 6.3 years in 2001 to 2003 to 7.9 years in 2018 to 2020.

Inequality in healthy life expectancy at birth

Male and Female, all ages

Time period England Value, Male England Value, Female
2011 - 13 18.6 19.1
2012 - 14 18.9 19.7
2013 - 15 18.9 19.6
2014 - 16 19.1 19.1
2015 - 17 19.1 18.8
2016 - 18 18.9 19.4
2017 - 19 19.0 19.3
2018 - 20 18.6 19.3

You can find more information about this indicator and related data on our Fingertips website. Fingertips is a data platform that contains a large range of indicators organised into topics, such as tobacco, mental health, and mortality.

View inequality in healthy life expectancy at birth, male data.

View inequality in healthy life expectancy at birth, female data.

View the inequality in healthy life expectancy at birth definition.

Visit the public health outcomes framework profile on Fingertips for more information on life expectancy.

Source: OHID, based on Office for National Statistics and Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government data

The line chart shows the difference between the most and least deprived in the average number of years a person would expect to live in good health based on contemporary mortality rates and prevalence of self reported good health. For males, the slope index of inequality in England in 2018 to 2020 was 18.6 years, the same as it was in 2011 to 2013. For females, the slope index of inequality in England changed from 19.1 years in 2011 to 2013 to 19.3 years in 2018 to 2020.

Deaths from preventable causes, ages under 75

Persons, <75 years

Time period England Value 95% confidence interval lower limit 95% confidence interval upper limit
2001 197 196 199
2002 192 190 193
2003 188 187 189
2004 179 177 180
2005 175 174 176
2006 170 169 171
2007 166 165 167
2008 165 164 166
2009 157 156 159
2010 154 153 155
2011 153 152 154
2012 148 147 149
2013 148 147 150
2014 148 146 149
2015 147 146 148
2016 146 145 147
2017 143 142 144
2018 144 143 145
2019 141 140 142
2020 176 175 177
2021 183 182 184
2022 155 154 156
2023 153 152 154

You can find more information about this indicator and related data on our Fingertips website. Fingertips is a data platform that contains a large range of indicators organised into topics, such as tobacco, mental health, and mortality.

View deaths from preventable causes, ages under 75 data.

View the deaths from preventable causes, ages under 75 definition.

Visit the public health outcomes framework profile on Fingertips for more information on life expectancy.

Source: OHID, based on Office for National Statistics data

The line chart shows the rate of deaths from causes considered preventable for people aged under 75. The directly standardised rate in England decreased from 197 per 100,000 in 2001 to 153 per 100,000 in 2023.

Deaths from all causes, ages under 75

Persons, <75 years

Time period England Value 95% confidence interval lower limit 95% confidence interval upper limit
2001 462 459 464
2002 452 450 454
2003 443 441 445
2004 423 421 425
2005 412 410 414
2006 401 399 403
2007 390 388 392
2008 384 382 386
2009 368 366 369
2010 360 359 362
2011 349 347 351
2012 341 339 343
2013 338 336 340
2014 333 331 335
2015 335 333 336
2016 335 334 337
2017 328 327 330
2018 331 329 332
2019 322 320 323
2020 360 359 362
2021 363 362 365
2022 342 341 344
2023 342 340 343

You can find more information about this indicator and related data on our Fingertips website. Fingertips is a data platform that contains a large range of indicators organised into topics, such as tobacco, mental health, and mortality.

View deaths from all causes, ages under 75 data.

View the deaths from all causes, ages under 75 definition.

Visit the public health outcomes framework profile on Fingertips for more information on life expectancy.

Source: OHID, based on Office for National Statistics data

The line chart shows the rate of deaths from all causes for people aged under 75. The directly standardised rate in England decreased from 462 per 100,000 in 2001 to 342 per 100,000 in 2023.

Deaths from all causes, all ages

Persons, all ages

Time period England Value 95% confidence interval lower limit 95% confidence interval upper limit
2001 1,229 1,226 1,233
2002 1,225 1,221 1,228
2003 1,225 1,222 1,229
2004 1,157 1,153 1,160
2005 1,138 1,135 1,141
2006 1,100 1,096 1,103
2007 1,085 1,082 1,088
2008 1,086 1,083 1,089
2009 1,028 1,025 1,031
2010 1,011 1,008 1,014
2011 973 970 976
2012 982 980 985
2013 981 978 984
2014 950 947 953
2015 992 989 995
2016 967 964 969
2017 968 965 970
2018 968 965 970
2019 930 927 932
2020 1,060 1,057 1,062
2021 1,008 1,005 1,011
2022 972 969 974
2023 964 962 967

You can find more information about this indicator and related data on our Fingertips website. Fingertips is a data platform that contains a large range of indicators organised into topics, such as tobacco, mental health, and mortality.

View deaths from all causes, all ages data.

View the deaths from all causes, all ages definition.

Visit the public health outcomes framework profile on Fingertips for more information on life expectancy.

Source: OHID, based on Office for National Statistics data

The line chart shows the rate of deaths from all causes for people of all ages. The directly standardised rate in England decreased from 1229 per 100,000 in 2001 to 964 per 100,000 in 2023.