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Health trends in England presents information about the health of people in England and how it has changed over time. Topics presented include risk factors, disease prevalence and outcomes. Data is presented for the whole of England and its regions. Find out more about Health trends in England.

This overview page presents a headline indicator for each topic. Click through to see more detailed information on each topic.

Life expectancy

Life expectancy at birth, male

Years, Yorkshire and the Humber, male, all ages

The line chart shows the average number of years a male would expect to live based on contemporary mortality rates. For males, the life expectancy in Yorkshire and the Humber increased from 75.5 years in 2001 to 78.3 years in 2023.

See more life expectancy data

Life expectancy

Life expectancy at birth, female

Years, Yorkshire and the Humber, female, all ages

The line chart shows the average number of years a female would expect to live based on contemporary mortality rates. For females, the life expectancy in Yorkshire and the Humber increased from 80.3 years in 2001 to 82.2 years in 2023.

See more life expectancy data


Smoking prevalence

Proportion, Yorkshire and the Humber, persons, 18+ years

The line chart shows the percentage of people aged 18 or over who smoke. The proportion in Yorkshire and the Humber decreased from 21.9% in 2011 to 12.7% in 2023.

See more smoking data


Obesity in year 6 children

Proportion, Yorkshire and the Humber, persons, 10-11 years

The line chart shows the percentage of children aged 10-11 years classified as living with obesity. The proportion in Yorkshire and the Humber increased from 18.9% in the financial year ending 2008 to 23.6% in the financial year ending 2024.

See more obesity data


Hospital admissions for alcohol-related conditions

Directly standardised rate per 100,000, Yorkshire and the Humber, persons, all ages

The line chart shows the rate of hospital admissions for alcohol-related conditions. The directly standardised rate in Yorkshire and the Humber changed from 541 per 100,000 in the financial year ending 2017 to 548 per 100,000 in the financial year ending 2024.

See more alcohol data

Cardiovascular disease

Deaths from cardiovascular disease considered preventable, ages under 75

Directly standardised rate per 100,000, Yorkshire and the Humber, persons, <75 years

The line chart shows the rate of deaths from cardiovascular disease considered preventable for people aged under 75. The directly standardised rate in Yorkshire and the Humber decreased from 72.1 per 100,000 in 2001 to 35.5 per 100,000 in 2023.

See more cardiovascular disease data

Respiratory disease

Deaths from respiratory disease considered preventable, ages under 75

Directly standardised rate per 100,000, Yorkshire and the Humber, persons, <75 years

The line chart shows the rate of deaths from respiratory disease considered preventable for people aged under 75. The directly standardised rate in Yorkshire and the Humber changed from 25.2 per 100,000 in 2001 to 24.0 per 100,000 in 2023.

See more respiratory disease data


Deaths from cancer considered preventable, ages under 75

Directly standardised rate per 100,000, Yorkshire and the Humber, persons, <75 years

The line chart shows the rate of deaths from cancer considered preventable for people aged under 75. The directly standardised rate in Yorkshire and the Humber decreased from 77.9 per 100,000 in 2001 to 55.5 per 100,000 in 2023.

See more cancer data

Wider determinants of health

Economic inactivity

Proportion, Yorkshire and the Humber, persons, 16-64 years

The line chart shows the percentage of people aged 16 to 64 who are economically inactive (neither in employment nor unemployed). The proportion in Yorkshire and the Humber changed from 25.2% in the financial year ending 2012 to 24.3% in the financial year ending 2024.

See more wider determinants of health data