Health trends in England: A new summary report to introduce Fingertips public health data to a broader audience.

April 2023

The following indicator have been updated:

  • Food Insecurity (INDIRECT measure) – percentage of local authority population living in areas at highest risk of food insecurity

February 2023

The following indicators have been updated:

  • Sickness absence - the percentage of employees who had at least one day off in the previous week
  • Sickness absence - the percentage of working days lost due to sickness absence
  • Domestic abuse-related incidents and crimes
  • Adults with a learning disability who live in stable and appropriate accommodation
  • Gap in the employment rate between those with a learning disability and the overall employment rate
  • Percentage of the population who are in receipt of long term support for a learning disability that are in paid employment
  • Homelessness - households owed a duty under the Homelessness Reduction Act
  • Homelessness - households in temporary accommodation
  • Homelessness – households with dependent children owed a duty under the Homelessness Reduction Act
  • Homelessness – households owed a duty under the Homelessness Reduction Act (main applicant 16-24 years)
  • Homelessness – households owed a duty under the Homelessness Reduction Act (main applicant 55+ years)
  • Social isolation: percentage of adult social care users who have as much social contact as they would like
  • Access to Healthy Assets and Hazards Index

November 2022

The following new indicators have been updated:

  • Percentage of people aged 16-64 in employment
  • Percentage of people unemployed (model based)
  • Percentage of people economically inactive
  • Gap in the employment rate between those with a physical or mental long- term health condition and the overall employment rate
  • The percentage of the population with a physical or mental long  term health condition in employment
  • Violent crime - violence offences per 1,000 population
  • Violent crime - sexual offences per 1,000 population

May 2022

The following new indicators have been added:

  • Air pollution: fine particulate matter (new method: concentrations of total PM2.5)
  • Food insecurity - percentage of households experiencing food insecurity
  • Average Attainment 8 Score for those eligible for free school meals

The following indicators have been updated with a more recent time point:

  • Proportion of individuals not reaching the minimum income standard
  • Percentage of people who successfully obtained a dental appointment
  • Percentage of people who said they had a good experience when making a GP appointment
  • Job density - ratio of jobs relative to resident population
  • Proportion of people aged 19-24 not in education, employment or training (NEET)
  • Rate of long term claimants of jobseeker's allowance
  • Housing affordability - house price to earnings ratio
  • Rate of children aged 10-17 in the youth justice system

February 2022

The following indicators have been updated with a more recent time point:

  • Air pollution: fine particulate matter
  • Households owed a duty under the Homelessness Reduction Act
  • Households with dependent children owed a duty
  • Households owed a duty (main applicant 16-24 years)
  • Households owed a duty (main applicant 55+ years)
  • Households in temporary accommodation
  • Adults with a learning disability who live in stable and appropriate accommodation
  • Adults in contact with secondary mental health services who live in stable and appropriate accommodation
  • Average weekly earnings
  • Gender pay equality
  • Percentage of employees who had at least one day off in the previous week
  • Percentage of working days lost due to sickness absence
  • Work-related illness
  • Workplace injury

The following indicators from other profiles have been updated with new data point(s):

  • Emergency admissions due to falls in people aged 65 and over
  • Domestic abuse - related incidents and crimes
  • Violent crime - hospital admissions for violence
  • 16-17 year olds not in education, employment or training (NEET)
  • Life expectancy at birth (male, female)
  • Inequality in life expectancy at birth (male, female)
  • Self-reported wellbeing - people with a low satisfaction score

November 2021

The following indicators have been updated with a more recent time point:

  • 19-24 year olds not in education, employment or training
  • Gender pay equality
  • Percentage of people in employment
  • Unemployment
  • Economic inactivity rate
  • Access to woodland
  • Proportion of people who use services who feel safe
  • Proportion of people who use services who have control over their daily life
  • Access to NHS dental appointments
  • People who had a good experience making a GP appointment

Due to a change in methodology and definition made by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, the wider determinants profile has an updated Fuel Poverty indicator ‘Fuel poverty (low income, low energy efficiency methodology)’.

The following indicators from other profiles have been updated with new data point(s):

  • Average Attainment 8 score of children in care
  • Breastfeeding prevalence at 6-8 weeks after birth - current method
  • Excess winter deaths index
  • First time entrants to the youth justice system
  • First time offenders
  • Life expectancy at birth, male and female
  • Percentage of adults walking for travel at least three days per week
  • Percentage of adults cycling for travel at least three days per week
  • Violent crime – violence offences per 1,000 population  
  • Violent crime – sexual offences per 1,000 population

The mortality indicators in the Health Outcomes domain have been presented as a single year time trend to show the impact of the pandemic on mortality.

A new indicator has been added in line with the Public Health Outcomes Framework - Under 75 mortality rate from causes considered preventable (2019 definition).

September 2021

The following indicators have been updated with a more recent time point:

  • The rate of complaints about noise
  • Children in absolute low income families (under 16s)
  • Children in relative low income families (under 16s)
  • Re-offending levels - percentage of offenders who re-offend
  • Re-offending levels - average number of re-offences per re-offender

May 2021

The following indicators have been updated with a more recent time point: 

  • Affordability of home ownership
  • Air pollution: fine particulate matter
  • Average weekly earnings
  • Children in the youth justice system (10-17 yrs)
  • Economic inactivity rate
  • First time entrants to the youth justice system (10-17 yrs)
  • Gender pay gap (by workplace location)
  • Healthy life expectancy at birth
  • Individuals not reaching the Minimum Income Standard
  • Job density
  • Long term claimants of Jobseeker’s Allowance
  • Unemployment (model-based)
  • Workplace injury
  • Work-related illness
  • 19-24 year olds not in education, employment or training

Please note: The denominator for Children in the Youth Justice system indicator has been revised for all years from 10-18 years to 10-17 years in line with the source data from Ministry of Justice.

March 2021

New indicators added:

  • Homelessness - households with dependent children owed a duty under the Homelessness Reduction Act
  • Homelessness - households owed a duty under the Homelessness Reduction Act (main applicant 16-24 yrs)

The following indicators have been updated with a more recent time point: 

  • Children in care
  • Teenage mothers
  • Average attainment 8 score

February 2021

New indicators added:

  • Homelessness - households owed a duty under the Homelessness Reduction Act
  • Homelessness - households owed a duty under the Homelessness Reduction Act (main applicant 55+ years)
  • Homelessness - households in temporary accommodation

The following indicators have been updated with a more recent time point:

  • Adults in contact with secondary mental health services who live in stable and appropriate accommodation
  • Adults with a learning disability who live in stable and appropriate accommodation
  • Emergency hospital admissions due to falls in people aged 65 and over
  • Gap in the employment rate between those with a learning disability and the overall employment rate
  • Gap in the employment rate between those in contact with secondary mental health services and the overall employment rate
  • Social Isolation: percentage of adult social care users who have as much social contact as they would like
  • Domestic abuse-related incidents and crimes
  • Violent crime: Rate of hospital admissions for violence
  • 16-17 year olds not in education, employment or training
  • Inequality in life expectancy at birth (Female)
  • Inequality in life expectancy at birth (Male)
  • People reporting low life satisfaction
  • Breastfeeding prevalence at 6-8 weeks after birth

December 2020

New indicators added:

  • Children in absolute low income families (under 16s)
  • Children in relative low income families (under 16s)

November 2020

The following indicators have been updated with a more recent time point:

  • Percentage of adults walking for travel at least three days per week
  • Percentage of adults cycling for travel at least three days per week
  • Excess winter deaths index
  • Percentage of people aged 16-64 in employment
  • Gap in the employment rate between those with a long-term health condition and the overall employment rate
  • Sickness absence - the percentage of employees who had at least one day off in the previous week
  • Sickness absence - the percentage of working days lost due to sickness absence
  • Violent crime - violence offences per 1,000 population
  • Violent crime - sexual offences per 1,000 population
  • Average Attainment 8 score of children in care
  • Life expectancy at birth (Female)
  • Life expectancy at birth (Male)
  • Under 75 mortality rate from all cardiovascular diseases
  • Under 75 mortality rate from cancer
  • Under 75 mortality rate from liver disease
  • Under 75 mortality rate from respiratory disease

August 2020

The following indicators have been updated with a more recent time point:

  • Fuel Poverty
  • Pupil Absence

Please note: An error was identified for indicators based on hospital episode statistics (HES) data which gave misleading results for areas within the South East region and East Sussex. Affected areas have been suppressed or flagged to be treated with caution. Full details can be found in the caveats section of the descriptive metadata for each affected indicator.

May 2020

The following indicator has been updated with a more recent time point:

  •  Rate of complaints about noise

The methodology and data points for the following indicators have been updated in order to keep them consistent with the Public Health Outcomes Framework:

  • Re-offending levels - percentage of offenders who re-offend
  • Re-offending levels - average number of re-offences per re-offender

Deprivation deciles were added to the following indicator:

  • Healthy life expectancy at birth

March 2020

The following indicators have been updated:

  • Children in care
  • Teenage mothers
  • Average Attainment 8 score
  • Average Attainment 8 score of children in care

February 2020

The following indicators have been updated:

  • Domestic abuse-related incidents and crimes - current method   
  • Violent crime - hospital admissions for violence (including sexual violence)
  • Gap in the employment rate for those in contact with secondary mental health services and the overall employment rate
  • Gap in the employment rate between those with a learning disability and the overall employment rate
  • School Readiness: The percentage of Year 1 pupils achieving the expected level in the phonics screening check 
  • School Readiness: The percentage of Year 1 pupils achieving the expected level in the phonics screening check with free school meal status
  • School Readiness: The percentage of children achieving a good level of development at the end of reception
  • School Readiness: The percentage of children achieving a good level of development at the end of reception with free school meal status
  • 16-17 year olds not in education, employment or training (NEET) or whose activity is not known
  • Killed and seriously injured (KSI) casualties on England's roads
  • Adults in contact with secondary mental health services who live in stable and appropriate accommodation
  • Adults with a learning disability who live in stable and appropriate accommodation
  • Emergency hospital admissions due to falls in people aged 65 and over
  • Healthy life expectancy at birth (Female)
  • Healthy life expectancy at birth (Male)
  • Life expectancy at birth (Female)
  • Life expectancy at birth (Male)
  • Inequality in life expectancy at birth (Female)
  • Inequality in life expectancy at birth (Male)
  • Self-reported wellbeing - people with a low satisfaction score

January 2020

The following indicators have been updated:

  • Social Isolation: percentage of adult social care users who have as much social contact as they would like (18+ yrs)     
  • Social Isolation: percentage of adult carers who have as much social contact as they would like (18+ yrs)

November 2019

The following indicators have been updated:

  • Percentage of adults walking for travel at least three days per week      
  • Percentage of adults cycling for travel at least three days per week     
  • Fuel poverty
  • Excess winter deaths index
  • Percentage of people aged 16-64 in employment       
  • Gap in the employment rate between those with a long-term health condition and the overall employment rate        
  • Sickness absence - the percentage of employees who had at least one day off in the previous week
  • Sickness absence - the percentage of working days lost due to sickness absence
  • First time offenders
  • Violent crime - violence offences per 1,000 population
  • Violent crime - sexual offences per 1,000 population
  • Mortality rate from causes considered preventable       
  • Under 75 mortality rate from all cardiovascular diseases
  • Under 75 mortality rate from cancer        
  • Under 75 mortality rate from liver disease       
  • Under 75 mortality rate from respiratory disease

October 2019

The following indicators have been updated:

  • Affordability of home ownership
  • Access to Healthy Assets & Hazards Index
  • Air pollution: fine particulate matter
  • Average weekly earnings
  • Children in the youth justice system (10-18 yrs)
  • Economic inactivity rate
  • Gender pay gap (by workplace location)
  • Individuals not reaching the Minimum Income Standard
  • Job density
  • Long term claimants of Jobseeker's Allowance
  • Unemployment (model-based)
  • Workplace injury
  • Work-related illness
  • 19-24 year olds not in education, employment or training
  • Number of premises licensed to sell alcohol per square kilometre 
  • Pupil absence
  • First time entrants to the youth justice system (10-17 yrs)
  • Exposure to road, rail and air transport noise of 65 dB(A) or more during the daytime
  • Exposure to road, rail and air transport noise of 55 dB(A) or more during the night-time

New local authority boundaries have been added for indicators that have been updated, where possible.

March 2019

New indicators:

  • Average Attainment 8 score (replaces the GCSE based measure)
  • Average Attainment 8 score of children in care (replaces the GCSE based measure)

Updated indicators:

  • Children in care
  • Teenage mothers
  • Children in low income families (under 16s)

February 2019

Updated indicators:

  • Killed and seriously injured (KSI) casualties on the roads
  • Adults in contact with secondary mental health services who live in stable and appropriate accommodation
  • Adults with a learning disability who live in stable and appropriate accommodation
  • Injuries due to falls in people aged 65 and over
  • Gap in the employment rate between those with a long-term health condition and the overall employment rate
  • Gap in the employment rate between those with a learning disability and the overall employment rate
  • Gap in the employment rate between those in contact with secondary mental health services and the overall employment rate
  • Domestic abuse-related incidents and crimes
  • Violent crime: Rate of hospital admissions for violence
  • School readiness: Good level of development at age 5
  • School readiness: Good level of development at age 5 with free school meal status
  • School readiness: Year 1 pupils achieving the expected level in the phonics screening check
  • School readiness: Year 1 pupils with free school meal status achieving the expected level in the phonics screening check
  • 16-17 year olds not in education, employment or training
  • Healthy life expectancy at birth (Female)
  • Healthy life expectancy at birth (Male)
  • Life expectancy at birth (Female)
  • Life expectancy at birth (Male)
  • Inequality in life expectancy at birth (Female)
  • Inequality in life expectancy at birth (Male)
  • People reporting low life satisfaction

New materials have been added to the further resources section, including Data sources to support local services tackling health risks of cold homes.

December 2018

New materials have been added to the further resources section, including a public health toolkit from the Gambling Commission, and blog from PHE on air pollution.

November 2018

New domain added:

  • The Health Assets profile has been integrated into the wider determinants of health profile. See the dedicated domain here

New indicators added:

  • Proportion of adults cycling for travel at least three days per week
  • Proportion of adults walking for travel at least three days per week
  • Children in care
  • Teenage mothers

Updated indicators:

  • Affordability of home ownership
  • Fuel poverty
  • Excess winter deaths
  • Employment rate
  • Unemployment
  • Long term claimants of Jobseeker’s Allowance
  • Employment Support Allowance claimants
  • Sickness absence - % of employees who had at least one day off in the previous week
  • Sickness absence - % of working days lost due to sickness absence
  • Statutory homelessness: Households in temporary accommodation
  • Statutory homelessness: Eligible homeless people not in priority need
  • Social Isolation: adult social care users who have as much social contact as they would like
  • Violent crime: Rate of violent offences
  • Violent crime: Rate of sexual offences
  • Mortality rate from causes considered preventable
  • Under 75 mortality rate from all cardiovascular diseases
  • Under 75 mortality rate from cancer
  • Under 75 mortality rate from liver disease
  • Under 75 mortality rate from respiratory disease

New materials have been added to the further resources section, including 'Increasing employment opportunities and retention for people with a long-term health condition or disability'.

September 2018

Updated indicators:

  • Number of premises licensed to sell alcohol per square kilometre

New materials have been added to the further resources section, including 'Urban visits to Greenspaces' and 'Cold Homes Toolkit'.

August 2018

Updated indicators:

  • First time entrants to the youth justice system
  • First time offenders
  • Pupil absence

New materials have been added to the further resources section, including 'Air pollution: a tool to estimate healthcare costs'.

May 2018

New indicators added:

  • Average weekly earnings
  • Gender pay gap
  • Households with problem debt
  • Income deprivation
  • Job density
  • Domestic abuse-related incidents and crimes
  • 16-17 year olds not in education, employment or training

Updated indicators:

  • Individuals not reaching the Minimum Income Standard
  • Work-related illness
  • Rate of complaints about noise
  • Air pollution: fine particulate matter
  • Economic inactivity rate
  • Children in the youth justice system
  • 19-24 year olds not in education, employment or training

Removed indicators:

  • Domestic abuse: replaced with new measure
  • Children in low income families (all dependents <20yrs)

New materials have been added to the further resources section.

April 2018

New materials have been added to the further resources section.

March 2018

New materials have been added to the further resources section.

February 2018

The following indicators have been updated:

  • Killed and seriously injured (KSI) casualties on the roads
  • Adults in contact with secondary mental health services who live in stable and appropriate accommodation
  • Adults with a learning disability who live in stable and appropriate accommodation
  • Injuries due to falls in people aged 65 and over
  • Gap in the employment rate between those with a learning disability and the overall employment rate
  • Gap in the employment rate between those in contact with secondary mental health services and the overall employment rate
  • Violent crime: Rate of hospital admissions for violence
  • Violent crime: Rate of violent offences
  • Violent crime: Rate of sexual offences
  • School readiness: Good level of development at age 5
  • School readiness: Good level of development at age 5 with free school meal status
  • School readiness: Year 1 pupils achieving the expected level in the phonics screening check
  • School readiness: Year 1 pupils with free school meal status achieving the expected level in the phonics screening check
  • Healthy life expectancy at birth
  • Healthy life expectancy at birth
  • Life expectancy at birth
  • Life expectancy at birth
  • Inequality in life expectancy at birth
  • Inequality in life expectancy at birth
  • People reporting low life satisfaction
  • Health related quality of life for older people

December 2017

User testing results published in the further resources section.

New materials have been added to the further resources section.

November 2017

New indicators added:

  • Employment support allowance claimants
  • Access to healthy assets and hazards index
  • Workplace injury
  • Affordability of home ownership.

Updated indicators:

  • Unemployment
  • Children in the youth justice system
  • Employment rate
  • Fuel poverty
  • Excess winter deaths
  • Gap in the employment rate between those with a long-term health condition and the overall employment rate
  • Sickness absence - % of employees who had at least one day off in the previous week
  • Sickness absence - % of working days lost due to sickness absence
  • Statutory homelessness: Households in temporary accommodation
  • Statutory homelessness: Eligible homeless people not in priority need
  • Social Isolation: adult social care users who have as much social contact as they would like
  • Mortality rate from causes considered preventable
  • Under 75 mortality rate from all cardiovascular diseases
  • Under 75 mortality rate from cancer
  • Under 75 mortality rate from liver disease
  • Under 75 mortality rate from respiratory disease.

New materials have been added to the further resources section.

October 2017

New materials have been added to the further resources section.

August 2017

The following indicators have been updated:

  • Sickness absence - % of employees who had at least one day off in the previous week
  • First time entrants to the youth justice system
  • First time offenders
  • Pupil absence

New materials have been added to the further resources section.

May 2017

New indicators added:

  • Density of fast food outlets
  • Air pollution: fine particulate matter
  • Economic inactivity rates.

New data in the Marmot domain:

  • Individuals not reaching the Minimum Income Standard
  • Inequality in life expectancy at birth
  • 19-24 year olds not in education, employment or training
  • Long-term claimants of Jobseekers Allowance.

New links added in the 'Further resources' section.

New functionality: local authority and regional population pyramids.


March 2017

  • Marmot indicators updated
  • Wider Determinants of Health tool launched