Obesity Profile
This profile presents the latest available data to help understand and monitor the patterns and trends in obesity at national, regional, and local levels in England.
Tackling obesity is one of the greatest long-term health challenges currently faced in England. Around two-thirds (63%) of adults are above a healthy weight, and of these half are living with obesity. In England 1 in 3 children leaving primary school are overweight or living with obesity with 1 in 5 living with obesity.
Obesity prevalence is highest among the most deprived groups in society. Children resident in the most deprived parts of the country are more than twice as likely to be living with obesity than those in the least deprived areas.
Obesity is associated with reduced life expectancy and a range of health conditions including type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, liver and respiratory disease and cancer. Obesity can also have an impact on mental health.
Tackling and preventing obesity is a high priority for the Government. The current policies and actions are set out in the following documents
Child measurement data for Scotland is available from Public Health Scotland, and for Wales from Public Health Wales. International data on adult and child obesity prevalence is published in the World Health Organization's Global Health Observatory.
Recent updates
May 2024
New data for 2022 to 2023 from the Active Lives Survey has been added to the Profile at local authority level.
The 'Adult prevalence data' topic has been updated with data for the following indicators:
The 'Contextual indicators' topic has been updated with data for the following indicators:
See the statistical commentary for more information.
March 2024
PowerPoint presentations showing data on the patterns and trends in child obesity for local authorities from the 2022 to 2023 National Child Measurement Programme added to Reports data view.
February 2024
First report assessing progress towards meeting the 2017 calorie reduction guidelines published: Analysis of food categories in the calorie reduction guidelines: 2017 to 2021
The report includes analysis of retailer and manufacturer branded products purchased and taken into the home as well as food and drink purchased for consumption out of the home. It also presents estimates of excess calorie intake for children and adults.
November 2023
2022 to 2023 NCMP data added for local authorities, Integrated Care Board (ICB), regions and England.
2022 to 2023 NCMP data added to the small area data domain (MSOA/Ward) showing data for prevalence of overweight and obesity.
PowerPoint presentations showing data on the patterns and trends in child obesity for England and the nine regions from the 2022 to 2023 National Child Measurement Programme added to Reports data view.
November 2023 statistical commentary
June 2023
New NCMP report: Changes in the prevalence of child obesity between 2019 to 2020 and 2021 to 2022
May 2023
New data for 2021 to 2022 for the indicators on adult obesity, and overweight (including obesity) prevalence at local authority level has been added to the 'Adult prevalence data' topic using data from the Active Lives Adult Survey.
See the statistical commentary for more information https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/obesity-profile-update-may-2023
February 2023
PowerPoint presentations on the patterns and trends in child obesity for England, regions and upper tier local authorities and patterns and trends in adult obesity for England added to Reports data view.