Health trends in England: A new summary report to introduce Fingertips public health data to a broader audience.

January 2023

The following indicators were updated

Prevalence & Incidence topic:

  • Depression: QOF prevalence (18+ yrs)
  • Depression: QOF incidence (18+ yrs) - new diagnosis
  • Mental Health: QOF prevalence (all ages)

Quality & Outcomes topic:

  • MH002 - Patients with severe mental health issues having a comprehensive care plan (denominator incl. PCAs)
  • MH003 - Record of a BP check in the last 12 months for patients on the MH register (denominator incl. PCAs)

November 2022

The following indicators were updated:

Prevalence & Incidence domain:

  • Depression: QOF prevalence (18+yrs)
  • Depression: QOF incidence (18+yrs) - new diagnosis
  • Mental Health: QOF prevalence (all ages)

Risk factors domain:

  • Smoking Prevalence in adults (18+) - current smokers (APS)
  • Reception: Prevalence of overweight (including obesity)
  • Year 6: Prevalence of overweight (including obesity)

Protective factors domain:

  • Average Attainment 8 score of children in care

Quality & outcomes domain:

  • Newly diagnosed patients with depression who had a review 10-56 days after diagnosis (denominator incl. PCAs)
  • Patience with severe mental health issues having a comprehensive care plan (denominator incl. PCAs)
  • Record of a BP check in the last 12 months for patients on the MH register (denominator incl. PCAs)

October 2022

Protective factors domain:

  • % who have a positive experience of their GP practice
  • Percentage  of people in employment

Quality & Outcomes domain:

  • Suicide rate

August 2022

Risk factors domain:

  • First time entrants to the youth justice system
  • First time offender
  • Re-offending levels - percentage of offenders who re-offend

Protective factors domain:

  • % who have a positive experience of their GP practice

Quality & Outcomes domain:

  • Gap in the employment rate for those who are in contact with secondary mental health services (aged 18 to 69) and on the Care Plan Approach, and the overall employment rate

July 2022

Risk factors domain:

  • Reception: Prevalence of overweight (including obesity)
  • Year 6: Prevalence of overweight (including obesity)

June 2022

Risk factors domain:

  • Long term claimants of Jobseeker's Allowance
  • Smoking prevalence in adults with a long term mental health condition (18+) - current smokers (GPPS)

May 2022

Indicators on Premature mortality in adults with SMI and Excess under 75 mortality rate in adults with SMI were updated to include:

  • publication of additional breakdowns for the premature mortality and excess premature mortality for people with SMI indicators for the periods 2015-2017, 2016-2018, 2017-2019 and 2018-2020 for England

Error Correction: Due to error in data published by NHS Digital this update also includes correction of all causes excess premature mortality for people with SMI indicators for the periods 2017-2019 and 2018-2020 for England, regions and upper tier local authorities.

Risk factors domain:

  • C16 - Percentage of adults (aged 18+) classified as overweight or obese
  • Smoking prevalence in adults with a long term mental health condition (18+) - current smokers (GPPS)

Protective factors domain:

  • A01a - Healthy life expectanc
  • C17a - Percentage of physically active adults

April 2022

The following indicators were updated:

Risk factors domain:

  • School pupils with social, emotional and mental health needs

December 2021

Indicators on Premature mortality in adults with severe mental illness (SMI) and Excess under 75 mortality rate in adults with severe mental illness (SMI) were updated for 2017-19 and 2018-20. 

The following indicators were also updated:

Prevalence and Incidence domain:

  • Depression: Recorded prevalence (aged 18+)
  • Depression: QOF incidence (18+) - new diagnosis
  • Mental Health: QOF prevalence (all ages)

Risk factors domain:

  • First time entrants to the youth justice system
  • First time offenders
  • Violent crime - violence offences per 1,000 population
  • Smoking status at time of delivery

Protective factors domain;

  • Average Attainment 8 score
  • Life expectancy at birth
  • Life expectancy at 65
  • Percentage of people in employment

Quality & outcomes domain:

  • Newly diagnosed patients with depression who had a review 10-56 days after diagnosis (denominator includes PCAs)
  • Personalised Care Adjustment (PCA) rate for depression indicator
  • Comprehensive care plan (denominator includes PCAs)
  • Record of blood pressure check in preceding 12 months for patients on the MH register (denominator includes PCAs)
  • Personalised Care Adjustment (PCA) rate for MH indicators

November 2021

Indicators updated to the latest available figures across the profile.

December 2020

New indicator set on premature mortality in adults with SMI:

  • premature mortality in adults with SMI
  • excess under 75 mortality rate in adults with SMI

These can be found in the Quality & Outcomes domain, for area County and UA pre 4/19 

June 2019

There has been a substantial refresh of the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment:

  • 25 indicators have been replaced for more current intelligence

  • 6 indicators have been added for the first time to the profile

  • 13 indicators have been removed

March 2019

Two indicators have been updated in the Risk factors domain

  • Low birth weight babies (County, UA & District) (2017)
  • Children in care: rate per 10,000 population aged < 18 (County & UA) (2018)

One indicator has been updated In the Services domain (2017/18)

Hospital admissions as a result of self-harm (10-24 years) (County & UA)

February 2019

Three indicators have been updated in the Risk factors domain (2017 unless stated) 

  • Domestic abuse (County) (2017/18)
  • 16-17 year olds not in education, employment or training (NEET) or whose activity is not known (County)
  • Children in care: rate per 10,000 population aged < 18 (County)


  • The definition of the NEET indicator has changed to include 16-17 year olds whose activity is not known.
  • The children in care indicator is a change of name (previously looked after children) but otherwise the definition is unchanged

One indicator has been updated in the Services domain  (2017/18)

  • Alcohol admissions (County & District)

Three indicators have been updated in the Quality & outcomes domain (2017/18 unless stated)

  • Stable & appropriate accommodation (County) 
  • Employment gap (County) 
  • Suicide rates (all age) (CCG) (2015-2017)

In addition Suicide rates (all age) have been added at STP level (most recent data 2015-2017)

One indicator has been updated in the Finance domain  (2017/18)

  • Spend on CYP services  (County)

January 2019

Three QOF indicators have been updated in the Prevalence domain (2017/18) at GP level. They were updated at CCG, STP & County level previously. 

  • Depression recorded prevalence 
  • Depression recorded incidence 
  • SMI recorded prevalence 

Two indicators have been updated in the Risk Factors domain (2017/18)

  • Excess weight in reception and year 6 (County & District) 

Six indicators have been updated in the Services domain  (Q2 2018/19 unless stated)

  • IAPT access rates (CCG & STP) (Sept 2018)
  • Entering IAPT treatment (CCG & STP) 
  • Completion of IAPT treatment (CCG & STP)
  • IAPT referrals for BME patients (CCG & STP) 
  • Service users in hospital (CCG & STP) 
  • People subject to Mental Health Act (CCG & STP)

Three indicators have been updated in the Quality & Outcomes domain (Sept 2018 unless stated)

  • IAPT recovery rates (CCG & STP) 
  • IAPT DNA rates (CCG & STP)
  • Follow up after discharge: % of patients on CPA (Q2 2018/19)

December 2018

Three QOF indicators have been updated in the Prevalence domain (2017/18) 

  • Depression recorded prevalence (CCG, STP & County)
  • Depression recorded incidence (CCG, STP & County)
  • SMI recorded prevalence (CCG, STP & County)

One indicator has been updated in the Risk Factors domain (2017/18) 

  • Smoking at time of delivery  (County, District & Region)

Five indicators has been updated in the Services domain  (2018/19 Q1)

  • Entering IAPT treatment (CCG & STP)
  • Completion of IAPT treatment (CCG & STP)
  • IAPT referrals for BME patients (CCG & STP)
  • % of Service users in hospital (CCG & STP)
  • People subject to Mental Health Act (CCG & STP)

Four QOF indicators have been updated in the Quality & Outcomes domain (2017/18)

  • Exception rate for depression (GP, CCG & STP)
  • Primary care reviews of depression (GP, CCG & STP)
  • Exception rate for SMI QOF indicators (GP, CCG & STP)
  • People with SMI with a comprehensive care plan (GP, CCG & STP)

November 2018

Two indicators have been updated in the Prevalence domain (2017/18) 

  • Long term MH problems (CCG & STP)
  • Depression among social care users (County)

Five indicators have been updated in the Risk Factors domain

  • Violent crime  (County & District) (2017/18)
  • Long-term unemployment (County & District) (2017)
  • Fuel poverty (County & District) (2016)
  • Statutory homelessness - households in temporary accommodation (County & District) (2017/18)
  • Statutory homelessness - eligible homeless people not in priority need (County & District) (2017/18)

Two indicators have been updated in the Protective Factors domain (2017/18)

  • Employment
  • Social Care Contact in adult social care users

One indicator has been updated in the Services domain  (June 2018)

  • IAPT access rates (CCG & STP) (March 2018)

Four indicators have been updated in the Quality & Outcomes domain (June 2018 unless stated)

  • IAPT recovery rates (CCG & STP) 
  • IAPT DNA rates (CCG & STP) 
  • Employment of people with MH problems (County)
  • Suicide rates (all age) (County) (2015-2017)

September 2018

Two indicators have been updated in the Risk factors domain (2017) 

  • First time entrants to the youth justice system (County)
  • First time offenders (County)

Six indicators have been updated in the Services domain  (Q4 2017/18 unless stated)

  • IAPT access rates (CCG) (March 2018)
  • Entering IAPT treatment (CCG & STP) 
  • Completion of IAPT treatment (CCG & STP)
  • IAPT referrals for BME patients (CCG & STP) 
  • Service users in hospital (CCG & STP) 
  • People subject to Mental Health Act (CCG & STP)

Two indicators have been updated in the Quality & Outcomes domain (March 2018)

  • IAPT recovery rates (CCG & STP) 
  • IAPT DNA rates (CCG & STP) 

One indicator has been updated in the Finance domain (March 2018)

  • Cost of GP prescribing for psychoses and related disorders  (CCG & STP) 

June 2018

Six indicators have been updated in the Services domain (CCG & STP) (Q3 2017/18 unless stated)

  • IAPT access rates (CCG) (Dec 2017)
  • Entering IAPT treatment (CCG & STP) 
  • Completion of IAPT treatment (CCG & STP)
  • IAPT referrals for BME patients (CCG & STP) 
  • Service users in hospital (CCG & STP) 
  • People subject to Mental Health Act (CCG & STP)

Two indicators have been updated in the Quality & Outcomes domain (Jan 2018)

  • IAPT recovery rates (CCG & STP) 
  • IAPT DNA rates (CCG & STP) 

May 2018

Two indicators have been updated in the Prevalence & Incidence domain 

  • SMI recorded prevalence (QOF) (County & District) (2016/17)
  • Depression recorded incidence (QOF) (County & District) (2016/17) 

April 2018

One indicator has been updated in the Protective factors domain 

  • Physically active adults  (County & District) (2016/17) (note 2015/16 figure has been revised also)

Three indicators have been updated in the Services domain (CCG & STP) (Sept 2017)

  • Entering IAPT treatment
  • Completion of IAPT treatment
  • IAPT referrals for BME patients

One indicator has been updated in the Quality & Outcomes domain (2016/17)

  • Exception rate (QOF) for depression  (CCG & STP)

Two indicators have been updated in the Finance domain (Q2 & Q3 2017/18)

  • Cost of GP prescribing for hypnotics & anxiolytics  (CCG)

  • Cost of GP prescribing for anti-depressants  (CCG)

March 2018

One indicator has been updated in the Prevalence & Incidence domain

  • Depression (QOF recorded prevalence) (County & UA) (2016/17)

One indicator has been updated in the Services domain

  • Hospital admissions as a result of self-harm (10-24 years) (CCG) (2016/17)

One indicator has been updated in the Finance domain

  • Cost of GP prescribing for psychoses and related disorders  (CCG) (Sept 2017/18)

February 2018

Four indicators have been updated in the Risk Factors domain

  • Low birth weight (County & District) (2016)
  • Excess weight in reception and year 6 (County & District) (2016/17)
  • Violent Crime (Distict) (2016/17)

Five indicators have been updated in the Services domain

  • CAMHS Tier 4 bed days & admissions (CCG & STP) (2016/17 Q2)
  • Service users in hospital (CCG & STP) (Sept 2017/18)
  • Persons subject to the MHA (CCG & STP) (Sept 2017/18)
  • IAPT access rates (CCG & STP) (Sept 2017/18)

Two indicators have been updated in the Quality & Outcomes domain

  • IAPT recovery rates (CCG & STP) (Sept 2017/18)
  • IAPT DNA rates (CCG & STP) (Sept 2017/18)

January 2018

One community MH team indicator (CCG & STP) in the Quality & Outcomes domain has been updated to 2017/18 Q2

  • Follow up after discharge: % of patients on CPA

One prescribing indicator (CCG) in the Finance domain has been updated to 2017/18 Q1

  • Cost of GP prescribing for psychoses and related disorders

Data Note - Cost of GP prescribing for psychoses and related disorders: Net Ingredient Cost (£) per 1,000 population. This indicator shows a large increase in the net ingredient cost which in part is a result of Olanzapine having a concession price put in place. Concession prices can be put in place due to disruptions or shortages of supply of prescription items.

December 2017

Three QOF indicators (GP, CCG & STP) in the prevalence domain  have been updated with 2016/17 data

  • Depression recorded prevalence
  • Depression recorded incidence
  • SMI recorded prevalence

One  indicator (GP, CCG & STP) in the protective factors domain  has been updated with 2016/17 data

  • Recommend GP (GP Patient Survey)

Three QOF indicators (GP, CCG & STP) in the quality & outcomes domain  have been updated with 2016/17 data

  • Primary care reviews of depression
  • Exception rate for SMI QOF indicators
  • People with SMI with a comprehensive care plan

November 2017

Two indicators (region, county, UA & district) in the risk factors domain  have been replaced with indicators with slight changes to the definition and values:

  • Smoking at time of delivery
  • Adults classified as overweight or obese

One monthly indicator (CCG) in the services domain has been updated to June 2017:

  • IAPT access

Two monthly indicators (CCG) in the quality & outcomes domain have been updated to June 2017:

  • IAPT recovery


October 2017

Opportunity for feedback: We are very interested in any feedback on the downloadable outputs which are available from the download section of the tool. The survey has now closed.

September 2017

The Mental Health and Wellbeing JSNA Knowledge Guide has been published to complete the full Mental Health and Wellbeing JSNA toolkt.

Three indicators in the prevalence and incidence domain have been updated:

  • Depression and anxiety prevalence (GP Patient Survey)
  • Long-term mental health problems (GP Patient Survey)
  • Estimated prevalence of mental health disorders in children and young people

Three indicators in the services domain have been updated:

  • Entering IAPT treatment
  • Completion of IAPT treatment
  • IAPT referrals for BME patients

One indicator in quality and outcomes has been updated at STP level:

  • Follow up after discharge

Two indicators in the finance domain have been updated:

  • Cost of GP prescribing for antidepressant drugs
  • Cost of GP prescribing for hypnotics and anxiolytics

August 2017

Two indicators in the risk factors domain have been updated:

  • First time entrants to youth justice system
  • First time offenders

Six indicators in the services domain have been updated:

  • Entering IAPT treatment
  • Access to IAPT treatment
  • Completion of IAPT treatment
  • IAPT referrals for BME patients
  • Service users in hospital
  • People subject to Mental Health Act

Two indicators in the quality and outcomes domain have been updated:

  • IAPT recovery

June 2017

Two indicators in the risk factors domain have been updated:

  • Long-term unemployment
  • Low birthweight of term babies

Two indicators in the protective factors domain have been updated:

  • Use of outdoor space for exercise/health
  • GCSEs achieved 5A*-C including English and Maths

Three indicators in the services domain have been updated:

  • Service users in hospital
  • People subject to mental health act
  • Admission to hospital for mental and behavioural disorders due to alcohol

Three indicators in the quality and outcomes domain have been updated:

  • Stable and appropriate accommodation
  • Gap in employment rate
  • Follow up after discharge

April 2017

We have added printable pdfs of the JSNA indicators at county / UA and CCG level. These can be accessed using the download function in the profile.


March 2017

The following new indicators have been added:

Risk factors

  • Smoking at time of delivery: % of mothers
  • Low birthweight of term babies: % of all live births
  • First time offenders: rate per 100,000 population


  • Contact with mental health or learning disability services: rate per 1,000 population aged 18+ (persons)
  • Contact with mental health or learning disability services: rate per 1,000 population aged 18+ (males)
  • Contact with mental health or learning disability services: rate per 1,000 population aged 18+ (females)
  • Contact with mental health or learning disability services: rate per 1,000 population aged 18-64
  • Contact with mental health or learning disability services: rate per 1,000 population aged 65+

Outcomes & Quality

  • Stable and appropriate accommodation: % of adults on CPA aged 18-69 (males)
  • Stable and appropriate accommodation: % of adults on CPA aged 18-69 (females)


February 2017

First version published