Alcohol-related hospital admissions are used as a way of understanding the impact of alcohol on the health of a population. The alcohol profile uses 2 methods to measure this:

  • the broad definition gives an indication of the full impact of alcohol on hospital admissions and the burden placed on the NHS
  • narrow definition estimates the number of hospital admissions which are primarily due to alcohol consumption and provides the best indication of trends in alcohol-related hospital admissions

Broad definition

A measure of hospital admissions where either the primary diagnosis (main reason for admission) or one of the secondary (contributory) diagnoses is an alcohol-related condition.

This represents a Broad measure of alcohol-related admissions but is sensitive to changes in coding practice over time.


Narrow definition

A measure of hospital admissions where the primary diagnosis (main reason for admission) is an alcohol-related condition. This represents a Narrower measure. Since every hospital admission must have a primary diagnosis, it’s less sensitive to coding practices but may also understate the part alcohol plays in the admission.


Recent figures on admissions due to alcohol

Alcohol profiles: February 2024 update

Main findings of the indicator update LAPE Statistical Commentary, March 2023


LAPE alcohol-related admissions by cause, February 2024

Latest admissions included in Admissions by cause, February 2024.


Statistics on Alcohol (replaced by Statistics on Public Health), England

The statistics on public health offer a range of information on alcohol use and misuse by adults and children, including hospital admissions, drawn together from a variety of sources for England unless otherwise stated.