Child and Maternal Health


The child and maternal health profiles offer a range of publicly available data on child and maternal health:

  • reports
  • tools 
  • other resources

Indicators can appear in more than one topic in the profiles. As new data becomes available, the indicators are updated.

Local organisations can work together to plan and commission evidence-based services depending on their local needs. The tool allows comparison between local populations to identify other areas to learn from. For each local authority this includes the 'closest 4' children's services statistical neighbours. These are defined by the Local Area Interactive Tool(LAIT).

How to find the indicators

The content of the child and maternal health profiles follows these sections:

Contact us

For enquiries or feedback relating to the child and maternal health profiles, email

If your enquiry or feedback is about the oral health indicators, email

Your Local Knowledge and Intelligence Service (LKIS) can give you more information about health in your area. To contact them by email, please use the links below.