Perinatal Mental Health
The profile aims to help develop an understanding of perinatal mental health at a local level and to support an intelligence-driven approach. The profile collates and presents a wide range of data, developed from a variety of relevant, robust sources. The profile provides a set of tools that allow planners, providers and stakeholders to profile their area and benchmark against similar populations. The aim is to provide information for improvement, not judgement.
Tool structure
The perinatal mental health profiling tool brings together a range of data, presented in the form of indicators, which are divided into four topic areas:
- Demographics
- Risk and related factors
- Identification of need
- Services and access
A number of geographies are available with which to view each indicator and these include NHS geographies such as integrated care board (ICB), and local government geographies such as upper tier local authority (UTLA) and regions, as well as England level data.
Supporting information
The mental health intelligence network provides a range of additional intelligence products with which to assist health professionals in key decision-making. The range of information, when used alongside the profile may enable and improve decisions about local services. Further resources can be found at:
- Joint Strategic Needs Assessment Toolkit: Perinatal Mental Health
- Mental Health in Pregnancy, the Postnatal period and babies and toddlers: how to use the report (PDF)
Contact us
For enquiries and feedback relating to the mental health intelligence profiles, please email: