Health trends in England: A new summary report to introduce Fingertips public health data to a broader audience.

May 2022


  • General fertility rate

Risk & related factors:

  • Stillbirth rate

March 2022

The following indicators were updated:


  • General fertility rate
  • 8

Identification & Access:

  • Proportion of New Birth Visits (NBVs) completed within 14 days
  • Proportion of infants receiving a 6 to 8 week review
  • Proportion of children receiving a 12-month review

January 2020

There has been a major refresh to the Perinatal mental health profile homepage. The redesign aims to simplify and enhance the users’ overall experience by improving access to the data that matters to them the most.

The highlights of the changes are:

  • New domain icons clicking on the one of the new icons will take you directly to the set of metrics related to demographics, risk & related factors, prevalence, or identification & access. Experienced users can directly access their data thereby simplifying the profile’s navigational process.
  • New layout – the layout of the page has been simplified and refreshed to improve the overall appeal to our visitors of the profile.

June 2019

There has been a substantial refresh in the Perinatal mental health profile.


  • Women aged 15-44: proportion of total population % of total population - 2016, 2017 - County & UA
  • Births to non-UK parents: % of live births where one or both parents foreign born - 2016, 2017 - County & UA
  • Births to mothers aged <20: % of live births - 2016, 2017 - County & UA, CCG, STP
  • Births to mothers aged 40+: % of live births - 2016, 2017 - County & UA, CCG, STP
  • Aged <20 at antenatal booking: % of women at antenatal booking appointment aged <20 years - 2017/18 - Acute Trust
  • Aged 40+ at antenatal booking: % of women at antenatal booking appointment aged 40+ years - 2017/18 - Acute Trust
  • BAME groups at antenatal booking: % of women recorded as belonging to a Black, Asian, and minority ethnic group at antenatal booking appointment - 2017/18 - Acute Trust

Risk and Related Factors:

  • Percentage of births which are outside of marriage/civil partnership and sole registered (by one parent only) - 2016, 2017 - County & UA, CCG, STP
  • Looked after children aged 0 to 4 years per 10 000 population - 2017/18 - County & UA
  • Complex social factors: % of pregnant women with one or more complex social factors recorded at antenatal booking - 2017/18 - Acute Trust
  • Multiparity (3+ previous births): % of pregnant women attending antenatal booking appointment who have had 3+ previous live births - 2017/18 - Acute Trust
  • Skin to skin contact after birth: % women who gave birth at or after 37 weeks gestation and had skin-to-skin contact with their baby within one hour after the birth - 2017/18 - Acute Trust
  • Unplanned caesarean sections: % of births which were delivered by emergency caesarean - 2017/18 - Acute Trust
  • Babies born at <37 weeks gestation: % of deliveries - 2017/18 - Acute Trust


  • 8 prevalence indicators - 20/17/18 - County & UA, CCG, STP

Identification and Access:

  • 3 Health visitor indicators- 2017/18 - County & UA
  • Early antenatal booking:% of women with booking appointment between 0 and 70 days gestation - 2017/18 - Acute Trust
  • Mental health detection at antenatal booking: % of records submitted for the field "Mental Health prediction and detection indicator (mother at booking)" that were completed with valid codes - 2017/18 - Acute Trust
  • Support status recorded at antenatal booking: % of records submitted for the field "Support status (mother at booking)" that were completed with valid codes - 2017/18 - Acute Trust
  • Substance use recorded at antenatal booking: % of records submitted for the field "Substance use status (mother at booking)" that had valid codes - 2017/18 - Acute Trust
  • Percentage of records submitted for the field "Weekly alcohol units (mother at booking" that were completed with valid codes - 2017/18 - Acute Trust
  • Complex social factors recorded at antenatal booking: % of records submitted for the field "Complex social factors indicator (mother at booking)" that were completed with valid codes - 2017/18 - Acute Trust
  • Antenatal MH detection: Survey score 1=worse than expected, 2=About the same as expected, 3=Better than expected - 2017 - Acute Trust
  • Postnatal MH detection: Survey score 1=worse than expected, 2=About the same as expected, 3=Better than expected - 2017 - Acute Trust
  • Information on emotional change after birth: Survey score 1=worse than expected, 2=About the same as expected, 3=Better than expected - 2017 - Acute Trust
  • Postnatal MH support: Survey score 1=worse than expected, 2=About the same as expected, 3=Better than expected - 2017 - Acute Trust

December 2018

Risk and Related Factors

  • Depression: % recorded prevalence - 2017/18 - County & UA, CCG
  • Severe mental illness: % recorded prevalence to 2017/18 - County & UA, CCG

November 2018

Risk and Related Factors

  • Infant mortality: Rate per 1,000 births, 2015 to 2017 - County & UA

September 2018


  • General fertility rate: Birth rate per 1,000 females aged 15-44 - 2016 - County & UA, CCG

Risk and Related Factors

  • Stillbirths: Rate per 1,000 births - 2014-16 - CCG
  • Under 18s conceptions: Rate per 1,000 females aged 15-17 - 2016 - County & UA
  • Domestic abuse-related incidents and crimes: Rate per 1,000 population - 2016/17 - County & UA
  • Severe mental illness: % recorded prevalence - 2016/17 - County & UA

March 2018

Risk and Related Factors

  • Depression: % recorded prevalence - 2016/17 - County & UA
  • Infant Mortality - 2014-16 - CCG

February 2018

Risk & related factors

  • Stillbirths: Rate per 1,000 births - County UA to 2014-16

December 2017

Risk and related factors:

  • Depression: % recorded prevalence to 2016/17
  • Severe mental illness: % recorded prevalence to 2016/17


  • Postpartum psychosis: Estimated number of women to 2015/16
  • Chronic SMI in perinatal period: Estimated number of women to 2015/16
  • Severe depressive illness in perinatal period: Estimated number of women to 2015/16
  • Mild-moderate depressive illness and anxiety in perinatal period (lower estimate): Estimated number of women to 2015/16
  • Mild-moderate depressive illness and anxiety in perinatal period (upper estimate): Estimated number of women to 2015/16
  • PTSD in perinatal period: Estimated number of women to 2015/16
  • Adjustment disorders and distress in perinatal period (lower estimate): Estimated number of women to 2015/16
  • Adjustment disorders and distress in perinatal period (upper estimate): Estimated number of women to 2015/16

November 2017

Updated Infant Mortality indicator.

July 2017

First version released