March 2025
Annual update of child and maternal health profile with indicators for child health covering mortality, emergency hospital admissions, children in care and children eligible for free school meals. A statistical commentary on the latest data has also been published.
February 2025
This release updates indicators on school readiness for the year ending 2024.
Correction notice (February 2025)
An error was discovered in the inequality by special educational need (SEN) for the school readiness indicators for 2021 to 2022 and 2022 to 2023.
Indicators affected were
90631 School readiness: percentage of children achieving a good level of development at the end of Reception
90632 School readiness: percentage of children with free school meal status achieving a good level of development at the end of Reception
93494 School readiness: percentage of children achieving at least the expected level in communication and language skills at the end of Reception
93569 School readiness: percentage of children achieving at least the expected level of development in communication and language and literacy skills at the end of Reception
90633 School readiness: percentage of children achieving the expected level in the phonics screening check in Year 1
This data has now been amended. No other figures within these indicators were affected.
December 2024
This release updates 14 indicators in the pregnancy and birth, school age children: primary and school-age children: secondary topics. The 6 indicators covering maternal health in early pregnancy and 1 covering babies' first feed status include a back-series. Further details on the indicators, and a statistical commantary covering the pregnancy and birth outcomes indicators are available in Child and maternal health profiles: December 2024 update - Official statistics announcement - GOV.UK,
November 2024
This release updates indicators on early years for the financial year ending 2024. Statistical commentaries are available on for the health visitor service delivery metrics, breastfeeding at 6 to 8 weeks, and child development outcomes indicators.
Correction notice (November 2024)
Error in percentage of deliveries by Caesarean section in 2022 to 2023, with incorrect confidence intervals for inequality by ethnicity. This data has now been amended. No other figures within this indicator were affected.
August 2024
For indicator A&E attendances (0 to 4 years), data was missing for 2-tier local authorities, with ONS codes beginning ‘E10’. This data has now been added
Since publication of the 2022 to 2023 breastfeeding at 6 to 8 weeks data in November 2023 an issue has been identified with the data for Bury. This has now been corrected.
Data for the under 16s conception rate indicator for calendar years 2011 to 2021 for North Yorkshire and Somerset unitary authorities has been revised to fix an error. Data for all other areas was unaffected.
May 2024
This release updates indicators on pregnancy and birth, hospital admissions and A&E attendances with data for 2022 or the financial year ending 2023.
The following indicators had the back series revised to use the ONS 2021 census based mid-year population estimates from 2012 onwards:
- Under 18s birth rate
- General fertility rate
- Hospital admissions for ectopic pregnancy
- Hospital admissions of babies aged under 14 days
- Emergency hospital admissions for gastroenteritis for children aged under 1 year, 1 year and 2 to 4 years
- Emergency hospital admissions for respiratory tract infections for children aged under 1 year, 1 year and 2 to 4 years
- Emergency hospital admissions for asthma for children aged 0 to 9 years and 10 to 18 years
- Emergency hospital admissions for epilepsy for children aged 0 to 18 years, 0 to 9 years and 10 to 18 years
- Emergency hospital admissions for diabetes for children aged 0 to 18 years, 0 to 9 years and 10 to 18 years
- Emergency hospital admissions for children aged 0 to 18 years, under 1 year and 0 to 4 years
- A&E attendances for children aged under 1 year and 0 to 18 years
An issue was found in the confidence intervals for the regions for the 'Children in care immunisations' in 2023. This has now been corrected.
March 2024
This release updates indicators on child mortality, injuries on the roads, children in care, hospital admissions and accident and emergency attendances, educational attainment, pupils with social, emotional and mental health needs, and teenage mothers.
The following indicators had the back series revised to use the ONS 2021 census based mid-year population estimates from 2012 onwards:
- Hospital admissions for asthma (under 19 years)
- Hospital admissions for mental health conditions
- Hospital admissions as a result of self-harm (various ages)
- Hospital admissions due to substance misuse (15 to 24 years)
- Hospital admissions for dental caries (0 to 5 years)
Three indicators are being discontinued as part of this update:
- Looked after children aged <5: Rate per 10,000 population aged <5
- Looked after children aged 10-15
- Children on child protection plans: Rate per 10,000 children <18
Age breakdowns have been introduced for the children in care indicator, so the two separate looked after children indicators are no longer required. Feedback has indicated that indicators about children in care (looked-after children) were more important to users than those about children with child protection plans.
An issue was found with the 2020 to 2022 data for the 'Infant mortality rate' indicator, and has now been corrected.
February 2024
This release updates indicators relating to adult social care and school readiness
Since publication of the 2022 to 2023 breastfeeding at 6 to 8 weeks data in November 2023 an issue has been identified with the data for Rochdale. This has now been corrected.
Following user feedback the combined neonatal and stillbirth rate indicator has been discontinued. The indicator continues to be available in the NHS Outcomes Framework. Information about neonatal mortality and stillbirths also remains available in the Fingertips tool as separate indicators.
December 2023
A technical anomaly has been identified for 2022 to 2023 data which meant that a rounding issue has resulted in an error of one decimal place in the value and confidence intervals which are displayed in Fingertips. The indicators affected were the six child development indicators, the five health visiting indicators and the breastfeeding at 6 to 8 weeks indicator. This error has now been corrected.
An error identified with the data for financial year 2018 to 2019 child development indicators published in Fingertips was corrected on Tuesday 5 December 2023. The error affects England versions. It does not affect the data published on GOV.UK. The error is to the counts and rates for:
- ‘percentage of children achieving a good level of development’ contains the data on personal-social skills
- ‘percentage of children achieving the expected level in communication skills’ contains the data on overall development
- ‘percentage of children achieving the expected level in gross-motor skills’ contains the data on communication skills
- ‘percentage of children achieving the expected level in fine-motor skills’ contains the data on gross motor skills
- ‘percentage of children achieving the expected level in problem solving skills’ contains the data on fine motor skills
- ‘percentage of children achieving the expected level in personal-social skills’ contains the data on problem solving skills
November 2023
The indicators covering the following topics have been updated with the most recent data:
- persistent absentees in primary and secondary schools
- average attainment 8 score of children in care
- school pupils with special educational needs (SEN)
- free school meals uptake
- children’s public health 0 to 5 years indicators for: breastfeeding at 6 to 8 weeks, health visiting services and child development at 2 to 2 and a half years
Following user feedback, key stage 1 and 2 indicators have been discontinued. The data remains available from the Department for Education.