Local health, public health data for small geographic areas

Local health is a collection of public health indicators presented at small geographical areas. By breaking the data down to smaller areas, hidden inequalities can highlighted. 

A core aim of the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID) is reducing health inequalities. Local health data can be used to target interventions in areas where there is most need.

Local health allows comparisons between small and large areas, for a single point in time. The data is not designed for time trend analysis. 

The data covers areas ranging from middle super output areas (MSOA), electoral wards, local authorities, and England.

The latest local health statistical commentary for the 2022 update: Local health commentary

Further guidance to geographic areas: Office for National Statistics UK geographies page.

Guidance on methods for small geographic areas: The association of public health observatories (APHO) technical briefing 6

Contact us: For enquiries or feedback relating to local health, email  PHA-OHID@dhsc.gov.uk