Health trends in England: A new summary report to introduce Fingertips public health data to a broader audience.

March 2023

13 indicators have been added to the tool within this release.

  • 12 have been created specifically for this release, including mortality rates for deaths due to COVID-19 and deaths from dementia and Alzheimer's disease
  • 1 indicator has been copied over from the Public Health Outcomes Framework

23 indicators have been updated within this release.

  • 8 indicators have previously been produced for the Mortality Profile, including mortality rates for all causes and deaths involving COVID-19
  • 15 indicators have been drawn from other profiles, including preventable mortality rates

Full details can be found in the table of updates, available at the top of this section, and a statistical commentary is available on GOV.UK.

January 2022

The following indicators have been added to the tool, with single year data presented for 2020:

Premature Mortality

  • Mortality rate for deaths involving COVID-19, under 75s

Other Mortality

  • Mortality rate for deaths involving COVID-19, all ages

These indicators have also been included in a separate domain for COVID-19 mortality.

These indicators have been added in order to provide a more complete picture of mortality for local areas going forward.

December 2021

To show the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic, the following indicators are now presented as single years from 2001 to 2020 (aside from under 75 mortality rate from injuries). The 3-year rolling rates up to 2017 to 2019 are also available to view (with 2018 to 2020 available for all cause and injuries indicators) and have been updated with the latest comparability ratios:

Premature Mortality

  • Under 75 mortality rate from all causes
  • Under 75 mortality rate from heart disease
  • Under 75 mortality rate from stroke
  • Under 75 mortality rate from breast cancer
  • Under 75 mortality rate from colorectal cancer
  • Under 75 mortality rate from injuries

Other Mortality

  • Mortality rate from lung cancer (persons only for single year indicator)
  • Mortality rate from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (persons only for single year indicator)

The following indicator has been added to the tool, with single year data presented from 2001 to 2020 and 3-year rolling rates from 2001 to 2003 up to 2018 to 2020:

Other Mortality

  • Mortality rate for all causes, all ages

The following indicators have had their indicator methods updated with new time periods presented:

Other Mortality

  • Smoking attributable mortality
  • Smoking attributable mortality from heart disease
  • Smoking attributable mortality from stroke
  • Killed and seriously injured (KSI) casualties on England's roads

The following indicators have been pulled through from other profiles:

Premature Mortality

  • Premature mortality in adults with severe mental illness (SMI)
  • Excess under 75 mortality rate in adults with severe mental illness (SMI)

Preventable Mortality

  • Under 75 mortality rate from causes considered preventable (2019 definition)

November 2021

To show the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic, the following indicators are now presented as single years from 2001 to 2020. The 3-year rolling rates up to 2017 to 2019 are also available to view and have been updated with the latest comparability ratios:

Premature Mortality

  • Under 75 mortality rate from cardiovascular diseases
  • Under 75 mortality rate from cancer
  • Under 75 mortality rate from liver disease
  • Under 75 mortality rate from respiratory disease

Preventable Mortality

  • Under 75 mortality rate from cardiovascular diseases considered preventable (2019 definition)
  • Under 75 mortality rate from cancer considered preventable (2019 definition)
  • Under 75 mortality rate from liver diseases considered preventable (2019 definition)
  • Under 75 mortality rate from respiratory diseases considered preventable (2019 definition)

The following indicators have been updated to the latest time period:

Other Mortality

  • Infant mortality
  • Deaths from drug misuse
  • Suicide rate
  • Fraction of mortality attributable to particulate air pollution

December 2020

The following indicators have been updated to 2017-19:

Premature Mortality

  • Under 75 mortality rate for all causes
  • Under 75 mortality rate from heart disease
  • Under 75 mortality rate from stroke
  • Under 75 mortality rate from breast cancer (females only) 
  • Under 75 mortality rate from colorectal cancer
  • Under 75 mortality rate from injuries

November 2020

The following indicators have been updated to 2017-19:

Premature Mortality

  • Under 75 mortality rate from cardiovascular diseases
  • Under 75 mortality rate from cancer
  • Under 75 mortality rate from liver disease
  • Under 75 mortality rate from respiratory disease

Preventable Mortality

  • Under 75 mortality rate from cardiovascular diseases considered preventable (2019 definition)
  • Under 75 mortality rate from cancer considered preventable (2019 definition)
  • Under 75 mortality rate from liver diseases considered preventable (2019 definition)
  • Under 75 mortality rate from respiratory diseases considered preventable (2019 definition)

Other Mortality

  • Infant mortality
  • Mortality from lung cancer
  • Mortality rate from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  • Deaths from drug misuse
  • Suicide rate

January 2020

The following indicators have been updated to 2016-18:

  • Under 75 mortality rate for all causes
  • Under 75 mortality rate from heart disease
  • Under 75 mortality rate from stroke
  • Under 75 mortality rate from breast cancer
  • Under 75 mortality rate from colorectal cancer
  • Under 75 mortality rate from injuries
  • Infant Mortality rate

November 2019

The following indicators have been updated to 2016-18:

Premature Mortality

  • Under 75 mortality rate from cardiovascular diseases
  • Under 75 mortality rate from cancer
  • Under 75 mortality rate from liver disease
  • Under 75 mortality rate from respiratory disease

Preventable Mortality

  • Under 75 mortality rate from cardiovascular diseases considered preventable
  • Under 75 mortality rate from cancer considered preventable
  • Under 75 mortality rate from liver diseases considered preventable
  • Under 75 mortality rate from respiratory diseases considered preventable

Other Mortality

  • Mortality from lung cancer
  • Mortality rate from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  • Smoking attributable mortality
  • Smoking attributable deaths from heart disease
  • Smoking attributable deaths from stroke
  • Deaths from drug misuse
  • Suicide rate

December 2018

First release of the Mortality Profile. Most recent data for the majority of indicators are for 2015-17.