Pertussis (2023) and Invasive Meningococcal Disease (IMD) (2023) indicators updated
Measles (2023) and Mumps (2023) indicators updated
Typhoid & paratyphoid (2021) indicator updated
HIV (2022) indicators updated
Acute hepatitis B (2021) indicator updated. Antibiotic prescribing (2022), Flu vaccination (2022/23) and TB (2021) indicators updated
Legionnaires' disease (2020) indicator updated
Scarlet fever (2021) and proportion of drug sensitive TB cases who had completed a full course of treatment by 12 months (2020) indicators updated
Lyme disease (2022), measles (2021), STIs and HIV (2021), immunisation (2021/22), antibiotic prescribing (2021), particulate mortality (2021), typhoid (2019) indicators updated
Measles (2020), invasive meningococcal disease (2020/21) and pertussis (2021) indicators updated
Lyme disease indicator added (2017-21). STI, HIV, TB, antibiotic prescribing and immunisation indicators updated (2020 data)
Updated PPV and HPV vaccination indicators (2018/19), particulate air pollution mortality (2018)
Added downloadable html Local Authority Health Protection Profile (LAHPP) for County (not District) LAs which can be converted to pdf - please go to the download tab.
Added invasive meningococcal disease (2017-18). Updated mumps (2018)
Updated: Listeria 5yr (2014-2018), STEC 5yr (2014-2018), measles (2014-2018)
Updated: Acute Hepatitis B (2018), Hepatitis C detection (2017), Listeria (2018), STEC (2018), miscellaneous immunisation (2018/19)
Updated: TB, HIV (see sexual and reproductive health profiles for more sexual health indicators)
Updated: Typhoid/paratyphoid (2018), measles (2018)
Updated: STIs (see sexual and reproductive health profiles for more sexual health indicators)
New: Pertussis (district/county)
New: Listeria 5-yr mean (district/county)
Updated: Hepatitis B (2017 data), Legionella (2016 data)
New: Listeria (district/county), Mumps annual & 5 year mean (district/county), Scarlet fever (county only, in all indicator section)
Updated: HPV and shingles vaccine and particulate air pollution mortality indicators updated
Updated: Typhoid/Paratyphoid, Hepatitis B and C mortality data
Updated: Vaccine coverage, TB, HIV data
Updated: STIs, antibiotic prescribing, flu vaccination in at risk and aged 65+
New: Campylobacter, non-typhoidal Salmonella, Giardia, Cryptosporidium and Shigellosis indicators (district/county), 2017 data
Revised domain layout
Additions: Genital warts, Genital herpes indicators from Sexual & Reproductive Health Profiles
New: STEC O157 - Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli serogroup O157 annual & 5 year mean indicators (district/county), 2016 data
Additions: Flu vaccination 2-4 yrs, primary care prescribing, HPV vaccination 13-14 yrs, mortality attributable to particulates, shingles vaccination >70 yrs, BCG vaccination from PHOF
Updated: Vaccination data
New: Hepatitis C detection rate indicator (district/county), 2016 data
New: Measles annual and 5 year mean new indicators(district/county level) 2016 and 2012-2016 data, Acute hepatitis B indicator (district/county), 2016 data
New: Legionella new indicator (county only), 2015 data, Typhoid and paratyphoid new indicator (district/county), 2015 data
Updated: STIs 2016 data