Cardiovascular disease prevention packs

These packs aim to inform the 10 year ambitions focussing on the three CVD risk factors, hypertension, atrial fibrillation and dyslipidaemia.

The packs, produced in collaboration with the CVD prevention programme centre teams, compare local diagnosis and treatment figures in relation to these national PHE CVD prevention ambitions.

The packs are available at sustainability and transformation partnership (STP) and clinical commissioning group (CCG) geographies. Each STP pack contains STP, CCG and practice level information and looks at diagnosis and treatment of hypertension and atrial fibrillation alongside behavioural risk factors for CVD.

The CCG packs include primary care network (PCN) and practice level figures for the diagnosis and treatment of hypertension and atrial fibrillation. Information on risk factors should be accessed from the corresponding STP pack.

A guidance document for the packs is available here.