December 2022

The following indicators have been updated:

  • Smoking prevalence in adults (18+) - current smokers (APS) (2020 refresh & 2021)
  • Smoking prevalence in adults (18+) - ex smokers (APS) (2020 refresh & 2021)
  • Smoking prevalence in adults (18+) - never smoked (APS) (2020 refresh & 2021)
  • Odds of reporting current smoking status among adults aged 18-64 with a routine and manual occupation (APS) (2020 refresh)
  • Smoking prevalence among adults aged 18-64 in routine and manual occupations (APS) (2020 refresh)
  • Smoking prevalence age 15 years - regular smokers (SDD survey)
  • Smoking prevalence age 15 years - occasional smokers (SDD survey)

2020 refresh data replaces the previous "2020 definition" data, where data had been affected by the Covid pandemic. Data points for 2020 and 2021 are now included in the existing trendlines.

Data for North Northamptonshire and West Northamptonshire will be updated shortly. 

May 2022

The following indicators have been updated:

  • Smoking prevalence in adults (18+) - current smokers (GPPS)
  • Smoking prevalence in adults (18+) - ex smokers (GPPS)
  • Smoking prevalence in adults (18+) - never smoked (GPPS)
  • Smoking prevalence in adults (15+) - current smokers (QOF)
  • Smoking prevalence in adults with a long term mental health condition (18+) - current smokers (GPPS)
  • Smoking prevalence in adults (18+) - gap by mental health status (GPPS)
  • Lung cancer registrations
  • Oral cancer registrations
  • Oesophageal cancer registrations

December 2021

The following indicators have been updated: 

  • Smoking Prevalence in adults (18+) - current smokers (APS) (2020 definition)
  • Smoking Prevalence in adults (18+) - ex smokers (APS) (2020 definition)
  • Smoking Prevalence in adults (18+) - never smoked (APS) (2020 definition)
  • Odds of reporting current smoking status among adults aged 18-64 with a routine and manual occupation (APS) (2020 definition)
  • Smoking prevalence among adults aged 18-64 in routine and manual occupations (APS) (2020 definition)
  • Mortality from lung cancer: Single year
  • Mortality from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: Single year

To show the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic, the mortality indicators are now presented as single years. 

July 2021

Smoking attributable mortality figures have been recalculated using an improved methodology and added to the profiles. The new methodology has also been used to calculate smoking attributable mortality from cancer, heart disease, and stroke. All of these profiles have been backdated to 2013-15 to 2017-19 in 3 year rolling figures.

Smoking attributable hospital admissions figures have also been recalcuated using the new methodology, and added to the profiles. This data has been backdated to 2015/16 to 2019/20.

March 2021

Smoking prevalence in adults calculated from the GPPS and QOF have been updated with the latest data for 2019/20. Smoking prevalence in adults (18+) admitted for substance misuse (NDTMS) has also been updated using the latest 2019/20 data.

New data point has been added for low birth weight of term babies (2019) and hospital admissions for asthma (under 19 years) (2019/20).

More recent data for 2019/20 has been added for emergency hospital admissions for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). New local authority and CCG boundaries have been added. You can find these by selecting 'County & UA' , 'District & UA' or 'CCGs (since 4 /20)' respectively from the area type dropdown box.

Data for 2019/20 has been added for the following indicators in the quitters domain - smokers setting a quit date, successful quitters at 4 weeks, NS-SEC recording in Stop Smoking Services and cost per quitter.

Note: New local authority and CCG boundaries have been updated. Updates to indicators will have data added for these new geographies as they are updated where possible. We have removed the older local authority and county geographies - 'District & UA (pre 4/19)' and 'County & UA (pre 4/19)' respectively - from the area type dropdown box.

We are currently reviewing the methodology for the smoking attributable mortality indicators and therefore no update is currently available for these indicators.

February 2021

Smoking populations have been updated using 2019 mid-year population estimates published by ONS.

November 2020

Four new indicators on smoking prevalence in adults (18+) admitted for substance misuse has been added to the Local Tobacco Control Profiles. Data is from the National Drug Treatment Monitoring System (NDTMS) and includes a breakdown of smoking prevalence by substance.

New data for 2019/2020 for smoking status at time of delivery has been added.

New data for 2017-2019 for deaths from smoking-related diseases have been added including deaths from lung, oral and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) cancer.

Illicit tobacco estimates including the tax gap and % share of cigarette sales have been updated for 2018/19.

Estimates of smoking prevalence in adults (18+) by housing tenure (calculated from the APS) has been added to the inequalities tab for Upper Tier Local Authorities (County & UA 4/19-3/20).

September 2020

A new indicator for smoking in early pregnancy has been produced for the Child and Maternal Health Profile and added to the Local Tobacco Control Profiles. Estimates are based on data from the Maternity Services Dataset version 1.5 and include various inequalities breakdowns. 

July 2020

Some indicators have been moved from the 'smoking prevalence in adults' domain to a new domain 'smoking prevalence in priority populations' including smoking in pregnancy, routine and manual populations and mental health.

New data for 2019 for smoking prevalence in adults age 18+ calculated from the APS has been added including inequalities for current smokers, ex-smokers and never smoked, and also those working in routine and manual occupations age 18-64.

A new data point for 2019 has been added for the gap in smoking prevalence between those working in routine and manual and other occupations.

A new indicator has been added to measure the gap in smoking prevalence by mental health status, using the GPPS data.

Cancer registration data has been added for the period 2016-18 for lung, oral and oesophageal cancers.

Data for smoking related fires and fatalities caused by them has been added for 2018/19.

Note that the indicators for smoking prevalence in routine and manual workers, ex-smokers and never smoked are no longer displayed, but the data is availble in the inequalities of the main smoking prevalence indicators (APS) for ex-smokers and never smoked. The WAY indicators on smoking prevalence in young people have been removed from the Fingertips display, however the data are available in the further resources.

March 2020

Note: An error was identified for indicators based on hospital episode statistics (HES) data which gave misleading results for areas within the South East region and East Sussex. Affected areas have been suppressed or flagged to be treated with caution. Full details can be found in the caveats section of the descriptive metadata for each affected indicator.

From now on the summary slideset showing all the key points from the tool will be available in 'our reports and presentations' in further resources rather than on

A new indicator has been added to measure prescriptions for nicotine replacement products for the period 2014 to 2018.

New data has been added for premature births (2016-18), low birth weight of term babies (2018) and hospital admissions for asthma (under 19 years) (2018/19).

A new data point has been added for smoking attributable hospital admissions (2018/19) and emergency hospital admissions for COPD (2018/19). New local authority boundaries have been added and backdated. We are currently reviewing the methodology for the 'cost per capita of smoking attributable hospital admissions' and therefore no update is currently available for this indicator.

Smoking prevalence in adults calculated from the QOF have been updated with the latest data for 2018/19. New local authority boundaries have been added and backdated. Values for combined authorities in the North East have also been updated and backdated to reflect the current boundaries.

November 2019

Local authority data for smoking at time of delivery (SATOD) has been added for 2018/19.

New data has been added for 2018/19 for smoking prevalence calculated from the GP Patient Survey including smoking prevalence in adults with a long term mental health condition.

New data for smoking attributable mortality indicators including smoking attributable heart disease and stroke has been added for 2016-18.

Mortality data for diseases linked with smoking including lung cancer, oral cancer and COPD have been updated with data for 2016-18. Also stillbirths and neonatal mortality have been updated in-line with the Child and Maternal health profile.

Values for combined authorities in the North East have also been updated to reflect the current boundaries for all smoking prevalence indicators calculated from the APS. Other indicators will follow as they are updated.

October 2019

Due to an error in the Stop Smoking Services data, all five indicators in the quitters domain have been updated with the corrected values (see for further details).

September 2019

New data for regular and occasional smoking prevalence in 15 year olds has been added for 2018.

Data for 2018/19 has been added for smokers setting a quit date, sucessful quitters (at 4 weeks and CO validated), NSEC recording in stop smoking services and cost per quitter. Note that for regions only a correction has been applied to years 2013/14-2015/16.

Smoking populations for 2018 have been updated using the ONS mid-year population estimates for 2018 (previously 2017 estimates were used as this was the most up-to-date at the time of publication).

August 2019

CCG data has been added for 2018/19 for smoking at time of delivery (SATOD). Local authority estimates will follow in a future update.

For smoking prevalence in adults - current smokers, ex-smokers and never smoked (APS) the spreadsheets containing inequalities breakdowns for age and sex, ethnicity and sex and religion and sex have now been updated with 2018 data. These can be found in the 'definitions' tab.

Further resources have been added for 'smoking in pregnancy' and 'our reports and presentations' (click further information at the top of the page).

July 2019

New data for 2018 for smoking prevalence in adults age 18+ calculated from the APS has been added. This includes current smokers, ex-smokers and never smoked for all persons age 18+ and also those working in routine and manual occupations.

A new data point for 2018 has been added for the gap in smoking prevalence between those working in routine and manual and other occupations.

Cancer registration data has been added for the period 2015-17, and revisions have been made for previous years in order to reflect the new local authority boundaries.

Data for smoking related fires and fatalities caused by them has been added for 2017/18, along with estimated tax gap estimates from HMRC.

SATOD data has been added for CCG and new local authority geographies for 2017/18.

New local authority boundaries have been added for indicators that have been updated. Remaining indicators will have data added for these new geographies as they are updated. You can find these by selecting 'County & UA (post 4/19)' or 'District & UA (post 4/19)' from the area type dropdown box.

We have removed the 'indicative tobacco sales figures' indicator.

March 2019

Our user survey  about proposals for new indicators and the usefulness of some current indicators displayed in the tool will close on 31st March 2019. Please let us have your thoughts before then.

New data has been added for premature births (2015-17), low birth weight of term babies (2017) and hopsital admissions for asthma (under 19 years) (2017/18).

A new data point has been added for smoking attributable hospital admissions (2017/18) and emergency hospital admissions for COPD (2017/18) and the time series has been amended where indicated based on the revised ONS mid-year population estimates.

CCG data has been added for the smoking prevalence in adults - current smokers (APS) indicator.

A correction has been applied to the UTLA deprivation deciles for the premature births (less than 37 weeks gestation) indicator.

December 2018

Subheadings have been added to the smoking prevalence in adults domain, plus two new indicators for people with a long term mental health condition and people with anxiety or depression, calculated from the GP Patient Survey.

Smoking prevalence in adults calculated from the GPPS and QOF have been updated with the latest data for 2017/18.

Smoking poplation estimates for 2017 displayed in the smoking prevalence in adults indicators calculated from the APS have been updated.

New data has been added for smoking at time of delivery (SATOD) for 2017/18.

New data has been added for the three smoking attributable mortality indicators (2015-17) and the back series (from 2013-15) has been revised based on the revised ONS mid-year population estimates. Deaths from diseases related to smoking also have new data added (2015-17) and a revised back series (from 2012-14).

All five indicators in the smoking quitters domain have been updated with 2017/18 data, and a new method for confidence intervals allowing comparison to England has been applied. The back series has been revised for smokers setting a quit date and successful quitters (at 4 weeks and CO validated).

September 2018

Further smoking prevalence breakdowns for males and females are now available by age, ethnicity and religion. See the further statistics section.

August 2018

For the smoking prevalence in adults indicators calculated from the APS a new comparator line has been added for the socio-economic group inequalities breakdown to reflect that this measure is only applied to those age 18-64 years.

A new case study has been added to the further resources stopping smoking section, describing Barnsley's Make Smoking Invisible campaign.

July 2018

A correction has been applied (09/07/2018) to the count for ‘smoking prevalence in adults – current smokers (APS)’ in 2017 for counties.

A new indicator has been added to measure the gap in smoking prevalence between those in routine & manual occupations and other occupations. The gap is measured using odds ratios (see definitions for further details).

Smoking prevalence data for 2017 calculated using the Annual Population Survey has been added (current smokers, ex-smokers and never smoked in all adults age 18+ and those working in routine & manual occupations). Confidence intervals have been revised for the entire time series, using the linearised-jacknife method to enable us to take into account the design of the survey. See here for further details on the impact of the change. Smoking populations have also been added into the download.

Indicators calculated using the Integrated Household Survey (IHS) have been removed as the survey is no longer running and therefore these cannot be updated.

A new indicator for oesophageal cancer registrations has been added and new ONS mid-year populations have been used to revise the time series for lung and oral cancer registrations.

New data for smoking related fires and fatalities caused by them in 2016-17 has been added.

New at-a-glance reports have been added to the download tab and are available for local authorities, regions and England, showing the latest values and significance of the change from the last period.

February 2018

New data points have been added for smoking prevalence in adults calculated from the GP Patient Survey (GPPS) and Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF).

Smoking attributable hospital admissions have been calculated for 2016/17 and the costs associated with them have been included for two periods (2015/16 and 2016/17). Other hospital admissions data has been included (2016/17) for emergency admissions related to COPD and asthma in young people (under 19 years).

Four indicators related to birth have been updated. In the smoking related mortality domain, new data points have been added for stillbirths and neonatal mortality per 1,000 live births. In the smoking related ill health domain, premature births for the period 2014-16 have been added, along with the % of low birth weight babies born at full term for 2016.

In response to user feedback, PDF reports have been removed and will soon be replaced by new reports.

November 2017

In order to reflect a change in the methodology for calculating smoking status at time of delivery, a new indicator has been added (current method) and the previous indictaor (historical method) has also been calculated for the latest period 2016/17.

New data for seven indicators in the smoking related mortality domain has been added, and where applicable smoking related deaths have been recalculated to reflect geographical changes and take into acount new supression rules.

All indicators in the quitters domain have been updated for 2016/17.

Figures for regular and occasional smokers at age 15 (SDD) have been added for 2016.

Data in the two illicit tobacco indicators have been updated and 2016/17 has been added.

Inequalities data has been added for smoking prevalence in adults (APS) by sexual identity, and also historical inequalities data for the smoking prevalence in adults in the routine and manual group (APS).

Modelled estimates for smoking prevalence in young people have been removed, and will be added to the further resources section in due course.


July 2017

A new indicator - oral cancer mortality - has been added to the profiles for the period 2008-10 to 2013-15.

Combined Authorities data can now be selected from the 'Areas grouped by' dropdown list.


June 2017

2016 figures for smoking prevalence in all adults and those working in routine and manual occupations  (current smokers, ex-smokers and never smoked) have been added. For smoking prevalence in adults, inequalities breakdowns have been added at Upper Tier Local Authority level by sex and socio-economic group.

New data for 2015/16 has been added for the accidental fires and fatalities from accidental fires caused by smoking related materials.

Smoking prevalence in adults in routine and manual occupations (current smokers, ex-smokers and never smoked) have been recalculated for each year (2012-2015) and now only inlcude age 18-64 years.

A change in the methodology for calculating the confidence intervals has been applied to the potential years of life lost due to smoking related illnesses indicator for the period 2013-15 and 2012-14.

May 2017

New data points have been added for five indicators related to smoking attributable mortality and smoking attributable hospital admissions, calculated using the APS smoking prevalence.

Lung and oral cancer registrations have been updated to include data for the period 2013-15.

New data has also been added for the premature births (<37 weeks gestation) indicator for the period 2013-15.

Inequalities breakdowns showing differences in sex have been added for emergency hospital admissions for COPD and hospital admissions for asthma (under 19 years).

March 2017

Low birth weight of term babies and hospital admissions for asthma (under 19 years) have been updated, in line with updates to the Child Health Profiles.

An error was found with the smoking prevalence figures for some local authorities for smokers, ex-smokers and those who have never smoked in the general population and those who work in routine and manual occupations. These values have been updated.

February 2017

Smoking prevalence by sexual identity and socioeconomic class has been added for the smoking prevalence in adults indicators derived from the APS. Data for smoking prevalence by age and gender is also available here

New data points have been added for the smoking prevalence in adults data derived from the GPPS and QOF. Also for the two indicators relating to illicit tobacco and potential years of life lost due to smoking related illness.

Smoking is a risk factor for many other conditions, including stillbirth and neonatal mortality, which are new indicators that are now included in the smoking related mortality domain.

November 2016

A new indicator 'Smoking prevalence in adults with serious mental illness' has been added to the profiles.

Additional inequalities data has been added to ‘Smoking Prevalence in adults - current smokers (APS)’ and ‘Smoking prevalence in adults in routine and manual occupations - current smokers (APS)’.

Data from the Annual Population Survey (APS) for 2012-2015 has been added to the profiles for smoking prevalence indicators, ex-smokers and never smoked, and in routine and manual occupations, ex-smokers and never smoked.

More recent data has been added for smoking status at time of delivery, deaths from lung cancer, deaths from COPD, rate of people setting a quit date, rate of successful quitters and rate of successful quitters (CO validated). Cost per quitter and completeness of NS-SEC recording by NHS stop smoking services has also been updated.

August 2016

Two new smoking prevalence indicators have been added to the profiles from the Annual Population Survey (APS) - ‘Smoking Prevalence in adults (APS)’ and ‘Smoking prevalence in adults in routine and manual occupations (APS)’

Potential years of life lost due to smoking related illnesses – a further new indicator – has been added to the smoking related mortality domain.

More recent data has been added for oral cancer registrations, lung cancer registrations, accidental fires from smoking related materials and fatalities from accidental fires (due to smoking related materials).

June 2016

An error was identified with the regional values for the indicator "Emergency hospital admissions for COPD". These values have now been corrected.

May 2016

Four new indicators have been added to the profiles; hospital admissions for COPD, GPPS smoking prevalence - current smokers, GPPS smoking prevalence - ex smoker and GPPS smoking prevalence - never smoked.

More recent data has been added for oral cancer registrations, lung cancer registrations, hospital admissions for asthma and premature births. The premature births indicator has also been updated for previous years to due updates in denominator values by the ONS.

Back data is now available for the Intergrated Household Survey (IHS) ex smokers and never smoked indicators.

The guidance document for comparing different estimates of smoking prevalence has also been updated and is available here.

February 2016

Full details of the indicators that have been updated in this release, as well as details of previous releases can be found here:

New methodology has been used to recalculate the smoking attributable mortality indicators by using a three-year weighted average of smoking prevalence to smooth out large fluctuations in some areas. This new methodology has also been applied to recalculate the smoking attributable hospital admissions indicator (see definitions for further details).

Two new indicators have been added related to the impact of illicit tobacco (available at national level only).

New data for smoking prevalence in adults is available from the Quality and Outcomes Framework for 2014/15 and due to a change in the published data fields the 2013/14 data has also been recalculated.

Confidence intervals for the use of e-cigarettes and other tobacco products in 15 year olds (from the WAY survey) have been updated, following corrections received from the HSCIC.


November 2015

The smoking prevalence domain has been split in two; smoking prevalence in adults and smoking prevalence in young people. This is to reflect the differences in smoking behaviour according to age and accommodate the increasing amount of data becoming available.

Three new indicators have been added from the What About YOUth? survey; data on 15 year olds who have ever tried e-cigarettes and other tobacco products, and their attitudes toward the harm of second-hand smoke on others.

Other new indicators added include ex-smokers and never smokers for both the general population and those working in routine and manual occupations from the Integrated Household Survey. Also, to incorporate the adverse health effects of smoking and second-hand smoke, new indicators on premature births and emergency hospital admissions for asthma in young people under 19 years old have been added.

Indicators derived from Stop Smoking Services data have been updated (2014/15) and a new indicator has been added for number of people setting a quit date per 100,000 smoking population.

More recent data (2014/15) has also been added for deaths from lung cancer and deaths from COPD.

ONS have revised the 2013 mid-year populations and affected indicators have been updated accordingly.


August 2015

Due to the recent expansion of the Local Tobacco Control Profiles, the indicators have been grouped into five domains; smoking prevalence, smoking related mortality, smoking related ill health, impact of smoking and smoking quitters.

National data on regular and occasional smoking in 15 year olds (SDD) has been updated. Additionally new indicators on smoking in 15 year olds have been added at local authority level from the What About Youth (WAY) survey.

Other new indicators added include cost per quitter and an alternative smoking prevalence calculated from the Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF).

More recent data (2013/14) has also been added for smoking related hospital admissions, smoking related fires and fatalities from smoking related fires.

Supplementary information on Local Authority deprivation scores has been added to the Key Indicators domain.


May 2015

Data on lung and oral cancer registrations has been added for the period 2010-2012.

Cost per capita of smoking attributable hospital admissions data has been added for 2011/12.

New scatterplot functionality has been enabled to allow comparison of data for two indicators, including trend lines.

The ability to link to specific indicators and/or local authorities has also been added.


February 2015

Data for seven new indicators at Local Authority level have been added, including indicative tobacco sales figures and modelled estimates of smoking prevalence in young people for regular and occasional smokers.

Amended and more recent data has been added for smoking attributable hospital admissions (2009/10, 2010/11, 2011/12 and 2012/13).

Inequalities data are now available for smoking prevalence (age 18+) and successful quitters at 4 weeks.


November 2014

New indicators have been added to the profiles including (at national level only) smoking prevalence in 15 year olds (regular and occasional smokers recorded in 2013), number of accidental fires caused by smoking related materials in 2012/13 and the number of resulting fatalities. Low birth weight of term babies is now also included (2012).

More recent data has been added for the three smoking attributable mortality indicators (2011-13), deaths from lung cancer and COPD (2011-13), and smoking status at time of delivery (2013/14).

Numbers of successful quitters, including CO validated and completeness of NS-SEC recording are now available for Local Authorities (2013).


May 2014

More recent data are now available for the three smoking attributable mortality indicators (2010-12), and all data for these indicators have been revised and recalculated using the new 2013 European Standard Population.

Numbers of successful quitters, including CO validated and completeness of NS-SEC recording are now available for 2012/13.


February 2014

Smoking prevalence data are now published by calendar year. The latest data have been added for the two smoking prevalence indicators (2012) and smoking status at time of delivery (2012/13).

More recent data are now available for lung and oral cancer incidence (2009-11), and deaths from lung cancer and COPD (2010-12). All data for these indicators have been revised and recalculated using the new 2013 European Standard Population.


June 2013

More recent data (2009-11) has been published for deaths from lung cancer and COPD. All data points for these indicators have also been revised with rebased population estimates from Census 2011.

Oral cancer registrations data are now available for 2007-09 and 2008-10 and data for lung cancer registrations has been re-extracted. Both have been revised with rebased population estimates.

In addition, the following indicators have been revised with rebased population estimates: Smoking attributable hospital admissions, Cost per capita, Successful quitters, including CO validated


February 2013

All indicators updated, where new data available. There are some methodology changes for 2011/12. Please check indicator definitions for guidance.