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Child Health Profile

March 2023


This profile provides a snapshot of child health in this area. It is designed to help local government and health services improve the health and wellbeing of children and tackle health inequalities.

2021 mid-year population estimates

In December 2022, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) released mid-year estimates (MYE) of the population for 2021. These were based on the 2021 census and do not align with older MYE for earlier years, which were based on the 2011 census. This means that it is not possible to compare metrics produced using the 2021 MYE with earlier versions of the same metric. For this reason, analysis of some trends has been removed from the 2023 version of Child Health Profiles. It has also not been possible to calculate any metrics which use pooled years of data that would include 2021 MYE in the process; for example, hospital admissions of children and young people for conditions wholly related to alcohol. Within the report, these indicators have been updated to cover three years ending financial year 2021 which is an update on the 2021 version of this report. However, this data has been available in the Fingertips tool for some time. Currently ONS plan to release updated mid year estimates for years 2012 to 2020, which will align with the 2021 census and 2021 MYE, in November 2023. It will then be possible for us to re-calculate metrics for years prior to 2021 and re-instate the analysis of trends. We will also be able to calculate metrics for pooled years using aligned population estimates.

The child population in this area

Local Region England
Live births (2021) 3,127 78,127 595,948
Children aged 0 to 4 years (2021) 15,900
Children aged 0 to 19 years (2021) 67,700
Children aged 0 to 19 years in 2031 (projected from 2018) 65,000
School children from minority ethnic groups (2022) 21,268
School pupils with social, emotional and mental health needs (2022) 1,125
Children living in poverty (financial year ending 2021) 36.2% 21.2% 18.5%
Life expectancy at birth (2018 to 2020) Boys 77.2 77.9 79.4
Life expectancy at birth (2018 to 2020) F Girls 80.5 81.7 83.1
Local Region England
Live births (2021) 3,127 78,127 595,948
Children aged 0 to 4 years (2021) 15,900
Children aged 0 to 19 years (2021) 67,700
Children aged 0 to 19 years in 2031 (projected from 2018) 65,000
School children from minority ethnic groups (2022) 21,268
School pupils with social, emotional and mental health needs (academic year ending 2022) 1,125
Children living in poverty (financial year ending 2021) 36.2% 21.2% 18.5%
Life expectancy at birth (2018 to 2020) Boys 77.2 77.9 79.4
Life expectancy at birth (2018 to 2020) F Girls 80.5 81.7 83.1

Children aged under 16 years living in poverty

Map of the North West region with Oldham outlined, showing the relative levels of children living in poverty in the financial year ending 2021, divided into national quartiles.

The map shows 36.2% of the children aged under 16 living in Oldham are in poverty, in quartile 4 nationally (1 is low).

Map contains Ordnance Survey data.

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2021 mid-year population estimates

Note the impact of updated mid-year population estimates. See the indicator guide for more details.

Main findings

Overall, comparing local indicators with England averages, the health and wellbeing of children in Oldham is worse than England.

The infant mortality rate is worse than England with an average of 22 infants dying before age 1 each year. Recently there have been 9 child deaths (1 to 17 year olds) each year on average.

Public health interventions can improve child health at a local level. In this area:

  • The teenage pregnancy rate is worse than England, with 111 girls becoming pregnant in a year.
  • 10.7% of women smoke while pregnant which is worse than England.
  • Breastfeeding rates are worse than England. 58.7% of newborns received breast milk as their first feed. By 6 to 8 weeks after birth, 39.7% of mothers are still breastfeeding.
  • The MMR immunisation level does not meet recommended coverage (95%). By age 2, 89.7% of children have had one dose.
  • Dental health is worse than England. 43.2% of 5 year olds have experience of dental decay.
  • 10.3% of children in Reception and 27.2% of children in Year 6 are obese.
  • The rate of child inpatient admissions for mental health conditions at 56.7 per 100,000 is better than England. The rate of self-harm (10 to 24 years) at 304.8 per 100,000 is better than England.

The hospital admission rate for injury in children (aged 0 to 14) at 114.2 per 10,000 is worse than England, and for young people (aged 15 to 24) at 78.3 per 10,000 is better than England.

Over a three year period 29 children were killed or seriously injured on the roads. This gives a similar rate to England.

Childhood obesity

These charts show the percentage of children who have excess weight (obese or overweight) in Reception (aged 4 to 5 years) and Year 6 (aged 10 to 11 years). They compare Oldham with its statistical neighbours, and the England average. Compared with the England averages, this area has a similar percentage of children in Reception (20.8%) and a higher percentage in Year 6 (42.4%) who have excess weight.

dark blue Obese pale blue All children with excess weight, some of whom are obese

Children aged 4 to 5 years who have excess weight in the academic year ending 2022 (percentage)

A bar chart showing the proportion of children in Reception year who are overweight or obese in England, Oldham, and its four nearest neighbours.

Children aged 10 to 11 years who have excess weight in the academic year ending 2022 (percentage)

A bar chart showing the proportion of children in Year 6 who are overweight or obese in England, Oldham, and its four nearest neighbours.

Note: This analysis uses the 85th and 95th centiles of the British 1990 growth reference (UK90) for BMI to classify children as overweight and obese. indicates 95% confidence interval.

Young people and alcohol

Nationally, the rate of hospital admissions of children and young people for conditions wholly related to alcohol, between 2016 and 2020, is decreasing. This is not the case in Oldham, where there is no significant trend. The admission rate in the latest pooled period is also similar to the England average.

Hospital admissions of children and young people for conditions wholly related to alcohol (rate per 100,000 population aged 0 to 17 years)

A line chart showing the rates of admissions for conditions wholly related to alcohol in England and Oldham between 2016 and 2020. Over the three financial years ending in 2021, the England rate was 29.3 and the Oldham rate was 36.4.

Young people’s mental health

Nationally, the rate of young people being admitted to hospital as a result of self-harm, between 2016 and 2020, is not significantly changing, and this is also the case in Oldham. The admission rate in the latest pooled period is better than the England average*. Nationally, levels of self-harm are higher among young women than young men.

Young people admitted to hospital as a result of self-harm (rate per 100,000 population aged 10 to 24 years)

A line chart showing the rates of admissions for self-harm in England and Oldham between 2016 and 2020. Over the three financial years ending in 2021, the England rate was 435.0 and the Oldham rate was 363.4.

*Information about admissions in the single year 2021/22 can be found on page 4

*Information about admissions in the single year 2021/22 can be found in the spine chart below

These charts compare Oldham with its statistical neighbours, and England and regional averages.

Child development at 2 to 2½ years

Children at or above expected level of development in all five areas at 2 to 2½ years in the financial year ending 2022 (percentage of children reviewed)

A bar chart showing the proportion of children aged 2 to 2 and a half who were at or above the expected level in all five areas of development in England, North West, Oldham, and its four nearest neighbours.

63.0% of children aged 2 to 2½ years were at or above the expected level of development in all five areas of development (communication, gross motor, fine motor, problem-solving and personal-social skills) in the financial year ending 2022. This is lower than the England average. A lower proportion of children were at or above the expected level of development for communication skills (79.3%) and a lower proportion for personal-social skills (83.5%) when compared with England (86.5% for communication and 91.2% for personal-social skills).


First feed breast milk in the financial year ending 2021 (percentage of newborns)

A bar chart showing the proportion of children whose first feed was breast milk in England, North West, Oldham, and its four nearest neighbours.

Breastfeeding rates in this area are lower than England. 58.7% of newborns received breast milk as their first feed. By 6 to 8 weeks after birth, 39.7% of mothers are still breastfeeding.

Young people’s sexual and reproductive health

Teenage conceptions in girls aged under 18 years, 2020 (rate per 1,000 female population aged 15 to 17 years)

A bar chart showing the rate of conceptions among girls aged under 18 years in England, North West, Oldham, and its four nearest neighbours.

In 2020, approximately 25 girls aged under 18 conceived, for every 1,000 girls aged 15 to 17 years living in this area. This is higher than the regional average and higher than the England average. Chlamydia screening is recommended for all sexually active 15 to 24 year olds. Increasing detection rates indicate improved screening activity; it is not a measure of prevalence. The UK Health Security Agency recommends that local authorities should be working towards a minimum rate of 3,250 per 100,000 in the female population aged 15 to 24, effective from January 2022. In 2021, the detection rate in this area was 1,433 per 100,000 which is lower than the minimum recommended rate, from 2022, of at least 3,250.

Measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccination

MMR vaccination coverage by age of 2 years in the financial year ending 2022 (percentage of eligible children)

A bar chart showing the proportion of children who had received their first dose of the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine in England, North West, Oldham, and its four nearest neighbours.

The shaded area from 90% shows the range of values approaching the minimum recommended coverage of 95% (the black line).

The shaded area from 90% shows the range of values approaching the minimum recommended coverage of 95% (the black line).

Less than 95% (the minimum recommended coverage level) of children have received their first dose of MMR immunisation by the age of 2 in this area (89.7%). By the age of 5, only 87.8% of children have received their second dose of MMR immunisation.

Note: Where data is not available or figures have been suppressed, no bar will appear in the chart for that area.

Overview of Child Health

The chart below shows how children’s health and wellbeing in this area compares with the rest of England. The local result for each indicator is shown as a circle, against the range of results for England shown as a grey bar. The line at the centre of the chart shows the England average.

No significant change Not significantly different from the England average
Increasing/decreasing and getting better Significantly better than the England average
Increasing/decreasing and getting worse Significantly worse than the England average
Trend cannot be calculated Significance cannot be tested
Indicator Recent trend Local no. per year* Local value Eng. avg Eng. worst Eng. best


1 Infant mortality rate 22 7.2 3.9 7.5 1.2
2 Child mortality rate (1 to 17 years) 9 16.5 10.3 17.7 6.1


3 MMR vaccination for one dose (2 years) 2,756 89.7 89.2 65.4 97.7
4 Dtap/IPV/Hib vaccination (2 years) 2,886 93.9 93.0 70.6 99.1
5 Children in care immunisations 352 88.0 85.0 30.0 100.0

Wider determinants
of ill health

6 Children achieving a good level of development at the end of Reception 2,008 59.8 65.2 53.1 74.4
7 GCSE attainment: average Attainment 8 score 44.1 48.7 39.2 61.3
8 GCSE attainment: average Attainment 8 score of children in care 20.2 23.2 14.2 38.3
9 16 to 17 year olds not in education, employment or training (NEET) 438 6.9 4.7 14.7 1.4
10 First time entrants to the youth justice system 51 194.4 146.9 446.9 56.3
11 Children in relative low income families (under 16s) 19,278 36.2 18.5 42.4 6.2
12 Households with children homeless or at risk of homelessness 588 19.3 14.4 39.3 4.5
13 Children in care 536 86 70 218 26
14 Children killed and seriously injured (KSI) on England’s roads 10 18.1 15.9 55.0 2.6


15 Low birth weight of term babies 106 3.8 2.8 5.0 1.5
16 Obese children (4 to 5 years) 295 10.3 10.1 14.9 5.4
17 Obese children (10 to 11 years) 860 27.2 23.4 34.0 12.4
18 Children with experience of visually obvious dental decay (5 years) 43.2 23.4 50.9 8.7
19 Hospital admissions for dental caries (0 to 5 years) 62 309.2 220.8 931.3 7.5
20 Under 18s conception rate / 1,000 111 25.0 13.0 30.4 2.7
21 Teenage mothers 15 0.9 0.6 2.4 0.0
22 Admission episodes for alcohol-specific conditions - Under 18s 22 36.4 29.3 83.8 7.7
23 Hospital admissions due to substance misuse (15 to 24 years) 20 69.7 81.2 229.4 16.9

of ill health

24 Smoking status at time of delivery 334 10.7 9.1 21.1 3.1
25 Baby’s first feed breastmilk 1,330 58.7 71.7 1.3 98.6
26 Breastfeeding prevalence at 6 to 8 weeks after birth 1,243 39.7 49.3
27 A&E attendances (0 to 4 years) 12,450 783.3 762.8 2,080.6 387.2
28 Hospital admissions caused by injuries in children (0 to 14 years) 585 114.2 84.3 162.2 38.8
29 Hospital admissions caused by injuries in young people (15 to 24 years) 240 78.3 118.6 252.2 53.3
30 Hospital admissions for asthma (under 19 years) 245 377.6 131.5 438.0 47.0
31 Hospital admissions for mental health conditions 35 56.7 99.8 355.1 33.3
32 Hospital admissions as a result of self-harm (10-24 years) 155 304.8 427.3 1,051.7 127.6
Indicator Recent trend Local number per year* Local value England average England worst England best


1 Infant mortality rate 22 7.2 3.9 7.5 1.2
2 Child mortality rate (1 to 17 years) 9 16.5 10.3 17.7 6.1


3 MMR vaccination for one dose (2 years) 2,756 89.7 89.2 65.4 97.7
4 Dtap/IPV/Hib vaccination (2 years) 2,886 93.9 93.0 70.6 99.1
5 Children in care immunisations 352 88.0 85.0 30.0 100.0

Wider determinants
of ill health

6 Children achieving a good level of development at the end of Reception 2,008 59.8 65.2 53.1 74.4
7 GCSE attainment: average Attainment 8 score 44.1 48.7 39.2 61.3
8 GCSE attainment: average Attainment 8 score of children in care 20.2 23.2 14.2 38.3
9 16 to 17 year olds not in education, employment or training (NEET) 438 6.9 4.7 14.7 1.4
10 First time entrants to the youth justice system 51 194.4 146.9 446.9 56.3
11 Children in relative low income families (under 16s) 19,278 36.2 18.5 42.4 6.2
12 Households with children homeless or at risk of homelessness 588 19.3 14.4 39.3 4.5
13 Children in care 536 86 70 218 26
14 Children killed and seriously injured (KSI) on England’s roads 10 18.1 15.9 55.0 2.6


15 Low birth weight of term babies 106 3.8 2.8 5.0 1.5
16 Obese children (4 to 5 years) 295 10.3 10.1 14.9 5.4
17 Obese children (10 to 11 years) 860 27.2 23.4 34.0 12.4
18 Children with experience of visually obvious dental decay (5 years) 43.2 23.4 50.9 8.7
19 Hospital admissions for dental caries (0 to 5 years) 62 309.2 220.8 931.3 7.5
20 Under 18s conception rate / 1,000 111 25.0 13.0 30.4 2.7
21 Teenage mothers 15 0.9 0.6 2.4 0.0
22 Admission episodes for alcohol-specific conditions - Under 18s 22 36.4 29.3 83.8 7.7
23 Hospital admissions due to substance misuse (15 to 24 years) 20 69.7 81.2 229.4 16.9

of ill health

24 Smoking status at time of delivery 334 10.7 9.1 21.1 3.1
25 Baby’s first feed breastmilk 1,330 58.7 71.7 1.3 98.6
26 Breastfeeding prevalence at 6 to 8 weeks after birth 1,243 39.7 49.3
27 A&E attendances (0 to 4 years) 12,450 783.3 762.8 2,080.6 387.2
28 Hospital admissions caused by injuries in children (0 to 14 years) 585 114.2 84.3 162.2 38.8
29 Hospital admissions caused by injuries in young people (15 to 24 years) 240 78.3 118.6 252.2 53.3
30 Hospital admissions for asthma (under 19 years) 245 377.6 131.5 438.0 47.0
31 Hospital admissions for mental health conditions 35 56.7 99.8 355.1 33.3
32 Hospital admissions as a result of self-harm (10-24 years) 155 304.8 427.3 1,051.7 127.6

*Numbers in italics are calculated by dividing the total number for the three year period by three to give an average figure

Where data is not available or figures have been suppressed, this is indicated by a dash in the appropriate box

Notes and definitions
  1. Mortality rate per 1,000 live births (aged under 1), 2019 to 2021

  2. Directly standardised rate per 100,000 children aged 1 to 17, 2018 to 2020

  3. Percentage of children immunised against measles, mumps and rubella (first dose by age 2), financial year ending 2022

  4. Percentage of children completing a course of immunisation against diphtheria, tetanus, polio, pertussis and Hib by age 2, financial year ending 2022

  5. Percentage of children in care with up-to-date immunisations, 2022

  6. Percentage of children achieving a good level of development within Early Years Foundation Stage Profile, academic year ending 2022

  7. GCSE attainment: average attainment 8 score, academic year ending 2022

  8. GCSE attainment: average attainment 8 score of children looked after, 2021

  9. Percentage of 16 to 17 year olds not in education, employment or training (NEET) or whose activity is not known, 2021

  10. Rate per 100,000 of 10 to 17 year olds receiving their first reprimand, warning or conviction, 2021

  11. Percentage of children aged under 16 living in relative low income families, financial year ending 2021

  12. Crude rate of households including one or more dependent children owed a prevention or relief duty under the Homelessness Reduction Act per 1,000 households, financial year ending 2022

  13. Rate of children looked after at 31 March per 10,000 population aged under 18, 2022

  14. Crude rate of children aged 0 to 15 who were killed or seriously injured in road traffic accidents per 100,000 population,
    2018 to 2020

  15. Percentage of live-born babies, born at term, weighing less than 2,500 grams, 2021

  16. Percentage of school children in Reception year classified as obese, academic year ending 2022

  17. Percentage of school children in Year 6 classified as obese, academic year ending 2022

  18. Percentage of children aged 5 with visually obvious dental decay, academic year ending 2019

  19. Crude rate per 100,000 (aged 0 to 5) for hospital admissions for dental caries, three financial years ending 2021

  20. Under 18 conception rate per 1,000 females aged 15 to 17, 2020

  21. Percentage of delivery episodes where the mother is aged less than 18, financial year ending 2022

  22. Hospital admissions for alcohol-specific conditions – under 18, crude rate per 100,000 population, three financial years ending 2021

  23. Directly standardised rate per 100,000 (aged 15 to 24) for hospital admissions for substance misuse, three financial years ending 2021

  24. Percentage of mothers smoking at time of delivery, financial year ending 2022

  25. Percentage of newborns who receive breast milk as first feed, financial year ending 2021

  26. Percentage of mothers breastfeeding at 6 to 8 weeks, financial year ending 2022

  27. Crude rate per 1,000 (aged 0 to 4) of A&E attendances, financial year ending 2022

  28. Crude rate per 10,000 (aged 0 to 14) for emergency hospital admissions following injury, financial year ending 2022

  29. Crude rate per 10,000 (aged 15 to 24) for emergency hospital admissions following injury, financial year ending 2022

  30. Crude rate per 100,000 (aged 0 to 18) for emergency hospital admissions for asthma, financial year ending 2022

  31. Crude rate per 100,000 (aged 0 to 17) for hospital admissions for mental health, financial year ending 2022

  32. Directly standardised rate per 100,000 (aged 10 to 24) for hospital admissions for self-harm, financial year ending 2022

Notes and definitions

*Numbers in italics are calculated by dividing the total number for the three year period by three to give an average figure

Where data is not available or figures have been suppressed, this is indicated by a dash in the appropriate box

  1. Mortality rate per 1,000 live births (aged under 1), 2019-2021
  2. Directly standardised rate per 100,000 children aged 1-17, 2018-2020
  3. % children immunised against measles, mumps and rubella (first dose by age 2), 2021/22
  4. % children completing a course of immunisation against diphtheria, tetanus, polio, pertussis and Hib by age 2, 2021/22
  5. % children in care with up-to-date immunisations, 2022
  6. % children achieving a good level of development within Early Years Foundation Stage Profile, 2021/22
  7. GCSE attainment: average attainment 8 score, 2021/22
  8. GCSE attainment: average attainment 8 score of children looked after, 2021
  9. % of 16-17 year olds not in education, employment or training (NEET) or whose activity is not known, 2021
  10. Rate per 100,000 of 10-17 year olds receiving their first reprimand, warning or conviction, 2021
  11. % of children aged under 16 living in relative low income families, 2020/21
  1. Crude rate of households including one or more dependent children owed a prevention or relief duty under the Homelessness Reduction Act per 1,000 households, 2021/22
  2. Rate of children looked after at 31 March per 10,000 population aged under 18, 2022
  3. Crude rate of children aged 0-15 who were killed or seriously injured in road traffic accidents per 100,000 population,
  4. % of live-born babies, born at term, weighing less than 2,500 grams, 2021
  5. % school children in Reception year classified as obese, 2021/22
  6. % school children in Year 6 classified as obese, 2021/22
  7. % children aged 5 with visually obvious dental decay, 2018/19
  8. Crude rate per 100,000 (aged 0-5) for hospital admissions for dental caries, 2018/19-2020/21
  9. Under 18 conception rate per 1,000 females aged 15-17, 2020
  10. % of delivery episodes where the mother is aged less than 18, 2021/22
  1. Hospital admissions for alcohol-specific conditions – under 18, crude rate per 100,000 population, 2018/19-2020/21
  2. Directly standardised rate per 100,000 (aged 15-24) for hospital admissions for substance misuse, 2018/19-2020/21
  3. % of mothers smoking at time of delivery, 2021/22
  4. % of newborns who receive breast milk as first feed, 2020/21
  5. % of mothers breastfeeding at 6-8 weeks, 2021/22
  6. Crude rate per 1,000 (aged 0-4) of A&E attendances, 2021/22
  7. Crude rate per 10,000 (aged 0-14) for emergency hospital admissions following injury, 2021/22
  8. Crude rate per 10,000 (aged 15-24) for emergency hospital admissions following injury, 2021/22
  9. Crude rate per 100,000 (aged 0-18) for emergency hospital admissions for asthma, 2021/22
  10. Crude rate per 100,000 (aged 0-17) for hospital admissions for mental health, 2021/22
  11. Directly standardised rate per 100,000 (aged 10-24) for hospital admissions for self-harm, 2021/22