Generated on 2021-03-08


Monitoring excess mortality provides understanding of the impact of COVID-19 during the course of the pandemic and beyond. Excess mortality in this report is defined as the number of deaths throughout the pandemic which are above the number expected based on mortality rates in earlier years.

In this report the expected number of deaths is modelled using five years of data from preceding years to estimate the number of deaths we would expect on each week through the course of the pandemic. Excess deaths are estimated by week and in total since 21 March 2020, based on the date each death was registered rather than when it occurred. Excess deaths are presented by age, sex, region, ethnic group, level of deprivation, cause of death and place of death.

All Persons

Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, England.‎

Figure 1: Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, England.‎

The trend in total excess deaths by week, in England, since week ending 27 March 2020 is shown in Figure 1. Numbers above each of the columns show the total number of excess deaths and how these compare with the expected number based on modelled estimates for 2015 to 2019. For example, in week ending 24 April 2020 there were 10,004 excess deaths and this was nearly two times (1.92 times higher) the expected number of deaths in this week. When fewer deaths than expected occur in a week, the column is coloured grey.

Excess deaths where COVID-19 was mentioned on the death certificate are shown in orange. If the number of deaths is not shown in the orange part of the column, that means the total excess was less than the number of deaths with a mention of COVID-19, indicating fewer deaths from other causes than expected in these weeks.

The number of excess deaths without COVID-19 mentioned on the certificate (shown in the white part of the column) may be due to an increase in deaths from other causes during the period of the pandemic but may also reflect under-reporting of deaths involving COVID-19.

Cumulative deaths since 21 March 2020, by date of registration, England.

Figure 2: Cumulative deaths since 21 March 2020, by date of registration, England.

The trend in the total cumulative number of excess deaths in England since 21 March 2020 is shown in Figure 2.

Age Group Males

Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, Males, 0-14.‎

Figure 3: Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, Males, 0-14.‎

Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, Males, 15-44.‎

Figure 4: Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, Males, 15-44.‎

Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, Males, 45-64.‎

Figure 5: Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, Males, 45-64.‎

Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, Males, 65-74.‎

Figure 6: Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, Males, 65-74.‎

Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, Males, 75-84.‎

Figure 7: Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, Males, 75-84.‎

Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, Males, 85+.‎

Figure 8: Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, Males, 85+.‎

Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, Males, Total.‎

Figure 9: Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, Males, Total.‎

The trend in excess deaths for males by age group is shown in Figures 3 to 9, which allows the extent of the excess each week to be compared over time and between age groups.

Cumulative excess deaths (A) and the ratio of registered deaths to expected deaths (B) by age group, males, England.

Figure 10: Cumulative excess deaths (A) and the ratio of registered deaths to expected deaths (B) by age group, males, England.

Figure 10A for males can be used to compare the cumulative total of excess deaths since 21 March 2020 between age groups.

Figure 10B compares the cumulative total of excess deaths among males with the number which would have been expected based on the modelled estimates for earlier years. Where the ratio of observed to expected is less than 1, this is shown in grey. The proportion of the excess where COVID-19 was mentioned on the death certificate is shown in yellow.

Table 1 - Males
Age group (years) Registered deaths Expected deaths Ratio registered / expected Excess deaths COVID-19 deaths COVID-19 deaths as % excess
0-14 1,568 1,773 0.88 −205 5 -
15-44 9,031 8,003 1.13 1,028 811 78.9%
45-64 41,775 31,767 1.32 10,008 7,900 78.9%
65-74 54,768 43,635 1.26 11,133 12,058 >100%*
75-84 90,102 73,158 1.23 16,944 22,890 >100%*
85+ 92,815 75,870 1.22 16,945 23,888 >100%*
Total 290,059 234,206 1.24 55,853 67,552 >100%*

* the total excess was less than the number of deaths with a mention of COVID-19, indicating fewer deaths from other causes than expected

Why ratios are important

Ratios can be useful for comparing between groups when the expected number is very different between groups.

For example, if group A had 5 excess deaths and group B had 10, it could appear that the impact was twice as high in group B. However, if the expected number of deaths was 1 in group A and 5 in group B, and the registered numbers of deaths were 6 and 15 respectively, then the ratios would show that group A experienced 6 times the number of deaths compared to expected, while group B experienced 3 times the number expected. Therefore, the actual relative impact is higher in group A.

The ratios presented in this report are relative to historical trends within each group, and not in relation to another group. For example, in the ethnicity section the ratio for the Asian group is the ratio between deaths in this group registered in 2020 and the estimate of expected deaths in the Asian group based on the preceding 5 years. It is not the ratio between the Asian group and another ethnic group.

Age Group Females

Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, Females, 0-14.‎

Figure 11: Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, Females, 0-14.‎

Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, Females, 15-44.‎

Figure 12: Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, Females, 15-44.‎

Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, Females, 45-64.‎

Figure 13: Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, Females, 45-64.‎

Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, Females, 65-74.‎

Figure 14: Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, Females, 65-74.‎

Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, Females, 75-84.‎

Figure 15: Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, Females, 75-84.‎

Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, Females, 85+.‎

Figure 16: Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, Females, 85+.‎

Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, Females, Total.‎

Figure 17: Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, Females, Total.‎

The trend in excess deaths for females by age group is shown in Figures 11 to 17, which allows the extent of the excess each week to be compared over time and between age groups.

Cumulative excess deaths (A) and the ratio of registered deaths to expected deaths (B) by age group, females, England.

Figure 18: Cumulative excess deaths (A) and the ratio of registered deaths to expected deaths (B) by age group, females, England.

Figure 18A for females can be used to compare the cumulative total of excess deaths since 21 March 2020 between age groups.

Figure 18B shows the ratio of the observed to the expected deaths by age group among females since 21 March 2020. This chart can be used to compare the relative excess mortality between age groups.

Table 2 - Females
Age group (years) Registered deaths Expected deaths Ratio registered / expected Excess deaths COVID-19 deaths COVID-19 deaths as % excess
0-14 1,226 1,387 0.88 −161 6 -
15-44 5,182 4,397 1.18 785 543 69.2%
45-64 26,581 21,493 1.24 5,088 4,427 87.0%
65-74 37,678 31,267 1.21 6,411 7,073 >100%*
75-84 74,879 63,300 1.18 11,579 16,384 >100%*
85+ 134,219 111,920 1.20 22,299 28,452 >100%*
Total 279,765 233,765 1.20 46,000 56,885 >100%*

* the total excess was less than the number of deaths with a mention of COVID-19, indicating fewer deaths from other causes than expected

Ethnic Group Males

Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, Males, Asian.‎

Figure 19: Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, Males, Asian.‎

Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, Males, Black.‎

Figure 20: Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, Males, Black.‎

Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, Males, Mixed.‎

Figure 21: Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, Males, Mixed.‎

Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, Males, Other.‎

Figure 22: Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, Males, Other.‎

Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, Males, White.‎

Figure 23: Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, Males, White.‎

The trend in excess deaths for males is shown in Figures 19 to 23, which allows the extent of the excess each week to be compared over time and between ethnic groups.

Cumulative excess deaths (A) and the ratio of registered deaths to expected deaths (B) by ethnic group, males, England.

Figure 24: Cumulative excess deaths (A) and the ratio of registered deaths to expected deaths (B) by ethnic group, males, England.

Figure 24A for males can be used to compare the cumulative total of excess deaths since 21 March 2020 between ethnic groups.

Figure 24B shows the ratio of the observed to the expected deaths by ethnic group among males since 21 March 2020. This chart can be used to compare relative excess mortality between ethnic groups.

Table 3 - Males
Ethnic group Registered deaths Expected deaths Ratio registered / expected Excess deaths COVID-19 deaths COVID-19 deaths as % excess
Asian 12,428 6,815 1.82 5,613 5,109 91.0%
Black 6,298 3,511 1.79 2,787 2,251 80.8%
Mixed 1,362 901 1.51 461 365 79.2%
Other 4,066 2,723 1.49 1,343 1,335 99.3%
White 259,862 215,039 1.21 44,823 57,022 >100%*

* the total excess was less than the number of deaths with a mention of COVID-19, indicating fewer deaths from other causes than expected

Ethnic Group Females

Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, Females, Asian.‎

Figure 25: Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, Females, Asian.‎

Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, Females, Black.‎

Figure 26: Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, Females, Black.‎

Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, Females, Mixed.‎

Figure 27: Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, Females, Mixed.‎

Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, Females, Other.‎

Figure 28: Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, Females, Other.‎

Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, Females, White.‎

Figure 29: Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, Females, White.‎

The trend in excess deaths for females is shown in Figures 25 to 29, which allows the extent of the excess each week to be compared over time and between ethnic groups.

Cumulative excess deaths (A) and the ratio of registered deaths to expected deaths (B) by ethnic group, females, England.

Figure 30: Cumulative excess deaths (A) and the ratio of registered deaths to expected deaths (B) by ethnic group, females, England.

Figure 30A for females can be used to compare the cumulative total of excess deaths since 21 March 2020 between ethnic groups.

Figure 30B shows the ratio of the observed to the expected deaths by ethnic group among females since 21 March 2020. This chart can be used to compare relative excess mortality between ethnic groups.

Table 4 - Females
Ethnic group Registered deaths Expected deaths Ratio registered / expected Excess deaths COVID-19 deaths COVID-19 deaths as % excess
Asian 8,798 5,506 1.60 3,292 2,980 90.5%
Black 4,951 3,043 1.63 1,907 1,437 75.3%
Mixed 1,233 736 1.67 497 284 57.1%
Other 3,314 1,946 1.70 1,369 863 63.0%
White 255,662 217,329 1.18 38,332 50,018 >100%*

* the total excess was less than the number of deaths with a mention of COVID-19, indicating fewer deaths from other causes than expected

Ethnicity coding

Ethnicity is not collected at death registration, so these estimates were made by linking death records to hospital records to find the ethnicity of the deceased. This approach has some limitations. Ethnicity is supposed to be self-reported by the patient in hospital records, but this may not always be the case. Patients may also report different ethnicities in different episodes of care. For this analysis the most recent reported ethnic group was used. Population estimates have been used to calculate mortality rates to estimate the expected numbers of deaths, and these were based on the 2011 Census. This may lead to a mismatch between ethnicity reported in hospital records and self-reported ethnicity in the census. It appears, for example, that more people are assigned to the ‘Other’ group in hospital records than in the 2011 Census.


Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, Quintile 1 - most deprived.‎

Figure 31: Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, Quintile 1 - most deprived.‎

Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, Quintile 2.‎

Figure 32: Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, Quintile 2.‎

Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, Quintile 3.‎

Figure 33: Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, Quintile 3.‎

Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, Quintile 4.‎

Figure 34: Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, Quintile 4.‎

Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, Quintile 5 - least deprived.‎

Figure 35: Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, Quintile 5 - least deprived.‎

The trend in excess deaths among deprivation quintiles is shown in Figures 31 to 35, which allows the extent of the excess each week to be compared over time and between deprivation quintiles.

Cumulative excess deaths (A) and the ratio of registered deaths to expected deaths (B) by deprivation quintile, England

Figure 36: Cumulative excess deaths (A) and the ratio of registered deaths to expected deaths (B) by deprivation quintile, England

Figure 36A can be used to compare the cumulative total of excess deaths since 21 March 2020 between deprivation quintiles.

Figure 36B shows the ratio of the observed to the expected deaths by deprivation quintile since 21 March 2020. This chart can be used to compare relative excess mortality between deprivation quintiles.

Table 5
Deprivation quintile Registered deaths Expected deaths Ratio registered / expected Excess deaths COVID-19 deaths COVID-19 deaths as % excess
Quintile 1 - Most Deprived 120,462 96,140 1.25 24,322 28,403 >100%*
Quintile 2 114,821 93,605 1.23 21,216 26,507 >100%*
Quintile 3 116,403 96,513 1.21 19,890 24,524 >100%*
Quintile 4 113,002 94,749 1.19 18,253 23,529 >100%*
Quintile 5 - Least Deprived 105,136 87,296 1.20 17,840 21,474 >100%*

* the total excess was less than the number of deaths with a mention of COVID-19, indicating fewer deaths from other causes than expected


Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, North East.‎

Figure 37: Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, North East.‎

Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, North West.‎

Figure 38: Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, North West.‎

Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, Yorkshire and The Humber.‎

Figure 39: Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, Yorkshire and The Humber.‎

Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, East Midlands.‎

Figure 40: Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, East Midlands.‎

Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, West Midlands.‎

Figure 41: Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, West Midlands.‎

Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, East of England.‎

Figure 42: Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, East of England.‎

Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, London.‎

Figure 43: Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, London.‎

Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, South East.‎

Figure 44: Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, South East.‎

Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, South West.‎

Figure 45: Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, South West.‎

The trend in excess deaths by region is shown in Figures 37 to 45, which allows the extent of the excess each week to be compared over time and for selected regions.

Cumulative excess deaths (A) and the ratio of registered deaths to expected deaths (B) by region, England.

Figure 46: Cumulative excess deaths (A) and the ratio of registered deaths to expected deaths (B) by region, England.

Figure 46A can be used to compare the cumulative total of excess deaths since 21 March 2020 between regions.

Figure 46B shows the ratio of the observed to the expected deaths by region since 21 March 2020. This chart can be used to compare relative excess mortality between regions.

Table 6
Region Registered deaths Expected deaths Ratio registered / expected Excess deaths COVID-19 deaths COVID-19 deaths as % excess
North East 31,455 26,115 1.20 5,340 6,648 >100%*
North West 82,532 66,827 1.24 15,705 19,527 >100%*
Yorkshire and the Humber 58,414 48,807 1.20 9,607 12,184 >100%*
East Midlands 51,591 42,711 1.21 8,880 10,971 >100%*
West Midlands 64,838 51,502 1.26 13,336 14,717 >100%*
East of England 65,533 54,401 1.20 11,132 14,359 >100%*
London 63,027 46,700 1.35 16,327 18,341 >100%*
South East 92,975 77,180 1.20 15,795 19,850 >100%*
South West 59,459 53,729 1.11 5,730 7,840 >100%*

* the total excess was less than the number of deaths with a mention of COVID-19, indicating fewer deaths from other causes than expected

Deaths by Underlying Cause

Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, ischaemic heart diseases, England.‎

Figure 47: Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, ischaemic heart diseases, England.‎

Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, cerebrovascular diseases, England.‎

Figure 48: Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, cerebrovascular diseases, England.‎

Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, other circulatory diseases, England.‎

Figure 49: Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, other circulatory diseases, England.‎

Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, cancer, England.‎

Figure 50: Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, cancer, England.‎

Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, acute respiratory infections, England.‎

Figure 51: Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, acute respiratory infections, England.‎

Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, chronic lower respiratory diseases, England.‎

Figure 52: Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, chronic lower respiratory diseases, England.‎

Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, other respiratory diseases, England.‎

Figure 53: Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, other respiratory diseases, England.‎

Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, dementia and Alzheimer's, England.‎

Figure 54: Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, dementia and Alzheimer’s, England.‎

Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, diseases of the urinary system, England.‎

Figure 55: Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, diseases of the urinary system, England.‎

Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, cirrhosis and other liver diseases, England.‎

Figure 56: Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, cirrhosis and other liver diseases, England.‎

Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, Parkinson's disease, England.‎

Figure 57: Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, Parkinson’s disease, England.‎

Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, all other causes (excl. COVID-19), England.‎

Figure 58: Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, all other causes (excl. COVID-19), England.‎

The trend in excess deaths for selected underlying causes of death (UCOD) is shown in Figures 47 to 58 which allow the extent of the excess to be compared over time for each cause. For each cause, the number of excess deaths without COVID-19 mentioned on the certificate (shown in the white part of the column) may be due to an increase in deaths from this cause during the period of the pandemic, but may also reflect under-reporting of deaths involving COVID-19.

Cumulative excess deaths (A) and the ratio of registered deaths to expected deaths (B) by underlying cause of death, England

Figure 59: Cumulative excess deaths (A) and the ratio of registered deaths to expected deaths (B) by underlying cause of death, England

Figure 59A shows the total cumulative excess deaths by UCOD since 21 March 2020. The chart can be used to compare the number of excess deaths for each UCOD.

This chart can be used to compare the cumulative total of excess deaths since 21 March 2020 between underlying causes.

Figure 59B shows the ratio of the observed to the expected deaths by UCOD since 21 March 2020. This chart can be used to compare relative excess mortality between underlying causes of death.

Table 7
Underlying cause of death Registered deaths Expected deaths Ratio registered / expected Excess deaths COVID-19 deaths COVID-19 deaths as % excess
Ischaemic Heart Diseases 48,540 46,082 1.05 2,458 1,377 56.0%
Cerebrovascular Diseases 25,770 24,260 1.06 1,510 1,006 66.6%
Other Circulatory Diseases 41,628 39,788 1.05 1,840 1,255 68.2%
Cancer 127,748 130,594 0.98 −2,846 3,177 -
Acute Respiratory Infections 17,784 24,271 0.73 −6,487 12 -
Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases 21,900 28,346 0.77 −6,446 335 -
Other Respiratory Diseases 7,193 9,776 0.74 −2,583 158 -
Dementia and Alzheimer's 60,063 61,577 0.98 −1,514 2,339 -
Diseases of the Urinary System 7,392 6,802 1.09 590 378 64.0%
Cirrhosis and Other Liver Diseases 8,486 7,664 1.11 822 378 46.0%
Parkinson's Disease 6,415 7,045 0.91 −630 264 -
All Other Causes (Excl. COVID-19) 85,181 83,195 1.02 1,986 2,035 >100%*

* the total excess was less than the number of deaths with a mention of COVID-19, indicating fewer deaths from other causes than expected

Deaths with a Mention of Specific Causes

Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, all mentions of dementia and Alzheimer's disease, England.‎

Figure 60: Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, all mentions of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, England.‎

Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, all mentions of acute respiratory infections, England.‎

Figure 61: Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, all mentions of acute respiratory infections, England.‎

Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, all mentions of diabetes mellitus, England.‎

Figure 62: Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, all mentions of diabetes mellitus, England.‎

Figures 60 to 62 show weekly excess deaths where a specific cause was mentioned anywhere on the death certificate. These causes will have contributed to the death but not necessarily been the underlying cause.

Place of Death

Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, own home, England.‎

Figure 63: Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, own home, England.‎

Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, care home (nursing or residential), England.‎

Figure 64: Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, care home (nursing or residential), England.‎

Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, hospital (acute or community, not psychiatric), England.‎

Figure 65: Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, hospital (acute or community, not psychiatric), England.‎

Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, hospice, England.‎

Figure 66: Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, hospice, England.‎

Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, other places, England.‎

Figure 67: Weekly excess deaths by date of registration, other places, England.‎

Figures 63 to 67 show the weekly total excess registered deaths by place of death since week ending 27 March 2020. These charts can be used to understand the trend in excess deaths by place of death. This analysis should be interpreted as excess deaths within each place of death compared to what would have been expected based on data over the past five years.

Cumulative excess deaths (A) and the ratio of registered deaths to expected deaths (B), by place of death, England.

Figure 68: Cumulative excess deaths (A) and the ratio of registered deaths to expected deaths (B), by place of death, England.

Figure 68A shows the total cumulative excess deaths in each place of death since 21 March 2020. The chart can be used to compare the numbers of excess deaths in each place of death. This chart can be used to compare the cumulative total of excess deaths since 21 March 2020 between places of death.

Figure 68B shows the ratio of the observed to the expected deaths in each place of death since 21 March 2020. This chart can be used to compare relative excess mortality between places of death.

Table 8
Place of death Registered deaths Expected deaths Ratio registered / expected Excess deaths COVID-19 deaths COVID-19 deaths as % excess
Care Home (Nursing or Residential) 131,783 104,483 1.26 27,300 29,287 >100%*
Home 156,251 115,607 1.35 40,644 6,757 16.6%
Hospice 22,988 28,375 0.81 −5,387 1,890 -
Hospital (Acute or Community, not Psychiatric) 244,819 207,868 1.18 36,951 85,660 >100%*
Other Places 13,983 11,940 1.17 2,043 843 41.3%

* the total excess was less than the number of deaths with a mention of COVID-19, indicating fewer deaths from other causes than expected

Comparisons to other measures of excess deaths in England

The Office for National Statistics also publishes a weekly report on excess deaths in England & Wales. The numbers reported by ONS are broadly in line with the overall excess death figures in this report but there are some differences as the ‘expected’ numbers in this report are not just the simple five-year average for 2015 to 2019, as used by ONS. As explained in the Methods, they are instead modelled estimates which adjust for factors such as the ageing of the population and the underlying trend in mortality rates from year to year.

PHE produces other estimates of excess mortality using the daily General Register Office model and the EuroMOMO model. These are reviewed in this blog.

Updates to Excess Mortality Methodology, December 2020

Several changes to the models were introduced in the report for the week ending 18 December 2020 and subsequent reports:

The methodology document has been updated to reflect these changes.

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