Young People - High Impact Areas
Key to trend icons
Decreasing and
getting better
Decreasing and
getting worse
Increasing and
getting better
Increasing and
getting worse
No significant change
Cannot be calculated
(missing data)
Not available
(no method)
Not applicable Too early to say
(new indicator)
Too early to say
(new method)
Hover over a trend icon for further details
Hover over current performance for further details about missing data
High.impact.area Key.performance.indicator Current.performance Current.trend Arrow
Building resilience and emotional wellbeing Hospital admissions for self-harm, 10 - 24 years 918.8 per 100,000
No significant change
Building resilience and emotional wellbeing Hospital admissions for self-harm, 10 - 14 years 476.2 per 100,000
No significant change
Building resilience and emotional wellbeing Hospital admissions for self-harm, 15 - 19 years 1191.1 per 100,000
No significant change
Building resilience and emotional wellbeing Percentage of looked after children whose emotional wellbeing is a cause for concern, 5 - 16 years 34.6%
No significant change
Reducing risk from harm and improving safety Children killed or seriously injured in road traffic accidents, 0 - 15 years 10.9 per 100,000
(2017 - 19)
Not available (no method)
Reducing risk from harm and improving safety Hospital admissions for injury, 0 - 14 years 133.0 per 10,000
No significant change
Reducing risk from harm and improving safety Hospital admissions for injury, 15 - 24 years 264.2 per 10,000
No significant change
Reducing risk from harm and improving safety HPV vaccination coverage, one dose females 12 - 13 years 12.1%
No significant change
Improving lifestyles Regular smokers at age 15 Not available Not applicable
Improving lifestyles Excess weight 10 - 11 years 32.1%
(2019/20) *
No significant change
Improving lifestyles Chlamydia detection rate, 15 - 24 years 1521 per 100,000
Maximising health and maximising school attendance School attendance, pupil absence, 5 - 15 years 4.4%
No significant change
Maximising health and maximising school attendance Teenage mothers < 18 years 0.8%
No significant change
Supporting additional health and wellbeing needs Hospital admissions for alcohol misuse < 18 years 41.2 per 100,000
(2017/18 - 19/20)
No significant change
Supporting additional health and wellbeing needs Hospital admissions for substance misuse, 15 - 24 years 175.2 per 100,000
(2017/18 - 19/20)
Cannot be calculated (no method)
Supporting additional health and wellbeing needs Hospital admissions for asthma < 19 years 117.9 per 100,000
No significant change
Supporting additional health and wellbeing needs First time entrants to youth justice, 10 - 17 years 126.4 per 100,000
No significant change
Seamless transition and preparing for parenthood Average attainment 8 score 52.2
Not applicable
Seamless transition and preparing for parenthood Average attainment 8 (looked after children) 19.1
Too early to say (new indicator)
Seamless transition and preparing for parenthood 16 - 17 year olds not in education, employment or training (NEET) or whose activity is not known 3.7%
Too early to say (new method)

This version of the Young People - High Impact Areas summary generated on November 23, 2021 .
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