Significance compared to goal / England average:
compEng | compEng2 | comp1 | text1 | comp2 | text2 |
Significantly worse | Significantly lower | Increasing / Getting worse | Increasing / Getting better | ||
Not significantly different | Significantly higher | Decreasing / Getting worse | Decreasing / Getting better | ||
Significantly better | Significance not tested | Increasing | Decreasing | ||
No significant change | Could not be calculated |
Indicators that are shaded blue rather than red/amber/green are presented in this way because it is not straightforward to determine for these indicators whether a high value is good or bad.
In the change columns, prev refers to the change in value compared to the previous data point. Statistically significant changes highlighted in this column have been calculated by comparing the confidence intervals for the respective time points. If the confidence intervals do not overlap, the change has been flagged as significant.
Recent trend refers to the analysis done in the Fingertips tool which tests for a statistical trend. Changes in this column are calculated using a chi-squared statistical test for trend. This is currently only available for certain indicator types; full details are available in the tool.
Increases or decreases are only shown if they are statistically significant. Where no arrow is shown, no comparison has been made. This may be due to the fact that the required data to make the comparison is not available for the time point, or that no confidence interval values are available for the indicator.
Indicator | Age | Sex | Period | Value | Unit | Recent trend | Change from previous |
A01a - Healthy life expectancy at birth | All ages | Male | 2017 - 19 | 63.2 | Years | ||
A01a - Healthy life expectancy at birth | All ages | Female | 2017 - 19 | 63.5 | Years | ||
A01b - Life expectancy at birth | All ages | Male | 2017 - 19 | 79.8 | Years | ||
A01b - Life expectancy at birth | All ages | Female | 2017 - 19 | 83.4 | Years | ||
A01c - Disability-free life expectancy at birth | All ages | Male | 2017 - 19 | 62.7 | Years | ||
A01c - Disability-free life expectancy at birth | All ages | Female | 2017 - 19 | 61.2 | Years | ||
A02a - Inequality in life expectancy at birth | All ages | Male | 2017 - 19 | 9.40 | Years | ||
A02a - Inequality in life expectancy at birth | All ages | Female | 2017 - 19 | 7.60 | Years | ||
A02b - Inequality in healthy life expectancy at birth ENGLAND | All ages | Male | 2017 - 19 | 19.0 | Years | ||
A02b - Inequality in healthy life expectancy at birth ENGLAND | All ages | Female | 2017 - 19 | 19.3 | Years | ||
A01a - Healthy life expectancy at 65 | 65 | Male | 2017 - 19 | 10.6 | Years | ||
A01a - Healthy life expectancy at 65 | 65 | Female | 2017 - 19 | 11.1 | Years | ||
A01b - Life expectancy at 65 | 65 | Male | 2017 - 19 | 19.0 | Years | ||
A01b - Life expectancy at 65 | 65 | Female | 2017 - 19 | 21.3 | Years | ||
A01c - Disability-free life expectancy at 65 | 65 | Male | 2017 - 19 | 9.86 | Years | ||
A01c - Disability-free life expectancy at 65 | 65 | Female | 2017 - 19 | 9.74 | Years | ||
A02a - Inequality in life expectancy at 65 | 65 | Male | 2017 - 19 | 4.90 | Years | ||
A02a - Inequality in life expectancy at 65 | 65 | Female | 2017 - 19 | 4.70 | Years |
Indicator | Age | Sex | Period | Value | Unit | Recent trend | Change from previous |
B01b - Children in absolute low income families (under 16s) | <16 yrs | Persons | 2019/20 | 15.6 | % | ||
B01b - Children in relative low income families (under 16s) | <16 yrs | Persons | 2019/20 | 19.1 | % | ||
B02a - School readiness: percentage of children achieving a good level of development at the end of Reception | 5 yrs | Persons | 2018/19 | 71.8 | % | ||
B02a - School Readiness: percentage of children with free school meal status achieving a good level of development at the end of Reception | 5 yrs | Persons | 2018/19 | 56.5 | % | ||
B02b - School readiness: percentage of children achieving the expected level in the phonics screening check in Year 1 | 6 yrs | Persons | 2018/19 | 81.8 | % | ||
B02b - School readiness: percentage of children with free school meal status achieving the expected level in the phonics screening check in Year 1 | 6 yrs | Persons | 2018/19 | 70.1 | % | ||
B02c - School readiness: percentage of children achieving at least the expected level in communication and language skills at the end of Reception | 5 yrs | Persons | 2018/19 | 82.2 | % | ||
B02d - School readiness: percentage of children achieving at least the expected level of development in communication, language and literacy skills at the end of Reception | 5 yrs | Persons | 2018/19 | 72.6 | % | ||
B03 - Pupil absence | 5-15 yrs | Persons | 2018/19 | 4.73 | % | ||
B04 - First time entrants to the youth justice system | 10-17 yrs | Persons | 2019 | 208.0 | per 100,000 | ||
B05 - 16-17 year olds not in education, employment or training (NEET) or whose activity is not known | 16-17 yrs | Persons | 2019 | 5.45 | % | ||
B06a - Adults with a learning disability who live in stable and appropriate accommodation | 18-64 yrs | Persons | 2019/20 | 77.3 | % | ||
B06b - Adults in contact with secondary mental health services who live in stable and appropriate accommodation | 18-69 yrs | Persons | 2019/20 | 58.0 | % | ||
B07 - People in prison who have a mental illness or a significant mental illness | 18+ yrs | Persons | 2018/19 | 7.35 | % | ||
B08a - Gap in the employment rate between those with a long-term health condition and the overall employment rate | 16-64 yrs | Persons | 2019/20 | 10.6 | Percentage points | ||
B08b - Gap in the employment rate between those with a learning disability and the overall employment rate | 18-64 yrs | Persons | 2019/20 | 70.6 | Percentage points | ||
B08c - Gap in the employment rate for those in contact with secondary mental health services and the overall employment rate | 18-69 yrs | Persons | 2019/20 | 67.2 | Percentage points | ||
B08d - Percentage of people aged 16-64 in employment | 16-64 yrs | Persons | 2019/20 | 76.2 | % | ||
B09a - Sickness absence - the percentage of employees who had at least one day off in the previous week | 16+ yrs | Persons | 2017 - 19 | 2.08 | % | ||
B09b - Sickness absence - the percentage of working days lost due to sickness absence | 16+ yrs | Persons | 2017 - 19 | 1.09 | % | ||
B10 - Killed and seriously injured (KSI) casualties on England’s roads | All ages | Persons | 2019 | 89.7 ^ | per billion vehicle miles | ||
B11 - Domestic abuse-related incidents and crimes | 16+ yrs | Persons | 2019/20 | 28.0 | per 1,000 | ||
B12a - Violent crime - hospital admissions for violence (including sexual violence) | All ages | Persons | 2017/18 - 19/20 | 45.8 $ | per 100,000 | ||
B12b - Violent crime - violence offences per 1,000 population | All ages | Persons | 2019/20 | 29.5 ~ | per 1,000 | ||
B12c - Violent crime - sexual offences per 1,000 population | All ages | Persons | 2019/20 | 2.52 ~ | per 1,000 | ||
B13a - Re-offending levels - percentage of offenders who re-offend | All ages | Persons | 2018/19 | 27.9 | % | ||
B13b - Re-offending levels - average number of re-offences per re-offender | All ages | Persons | 2018/19 | 4.00 | |||
B13c - First time offenders | 10+ yrs | Persons | 2018 | 210.7 | per 100,000 | ||
B14a - The rate of complaints about noise | All ages | Persons | 2019/20 | 6.37 ^ | per 1,000 | ||
B14b - The percentage of the population exposed to road, rail and air transport noise of 65dB(A) or more, during the daytime | All ages | Persons | 2016 | 5.50 | % | ||
B14c - The percentage of the population exposed to road, rail and air transport noise of 55 dB(A) or more during the night-time | All ages | Persons | 2016 | 8.48 | % | ||
B15a - Homelessness - households owed a duty under the Homelessness Reduction Act | Not applicable | Not applicable | 2019/20 | 12.3 | per 1,000 | ||
B15c - Homelessness - households in temporary accommodation | Not applicable | Not applicable | 2019/20 | 3.76 | per 1,000 | ||
B16 - Utilisation of outdoor space for exercise/health reasons | 16+ yrs | Persons | Mar 2015 - Feb 2016 | 17.9 | % | ||
B17 - Fuel poverty | Not applicable | Not applicable | 2018 | 10.3 | % | ||
B18a - Social Isolation: percentage of adult social care users who have as much social contact as they would like | 18+ yrs | Persons | 2019/20 | 45.9 | % | ||
B18b - Social Isolation: percentage of adult carers who have as much social contact as they would like | 18+ yrs | Persons | 2018/19 | 32.5 | % | ||
B19 - Loneliness: Percentage of adults who feel lonely often / always or some of the time | 16+ yrs | Persons | 2019/20 | 22.3 | % | ||
1.01i - Children in low income families (all dependent children under 20) | 0-19 yrs | Persons | 2016 | 17.0 | % | ||
1.10 - Killed and seriously injured (KSI) casualties on England’s roads (historic data) | All ages | Persons | 2016 - 18 | 42.6 ~ | per 100,000 |
Indicator | Age | Sex | Period | Value | Unit | Recent trend | Change from previous |
C01 - Total prescribed LARC excluding injections rate / 1,000 | All ages | Female | 2019 | 50.8 | per 1,000 | ||
C02a - Under 18s conception rate / 1,000 | <18 yrs | Female | 2018 | 16.7 | per 1,000 | ||
C02b - Under 16s conception rate / 1,000 | <16 yrs | Female | 2018 | 2.50 | per 1,000 | ||
C03a - Obesity in early pregnancy | Not applicable | Female | 2018/19 | 22.1 | % | ||
C03b - Drinking in early pregnancy | Not applicable | Female | 2018/19 | 4.13 | % | ||
C03c - Smoking in early pregnancy | Not applicable | Female | 2018/19 | 12.8 | % | ||
C04 - Low birth weight of term babies |
=37 weeks gestational age at birth |
Persons | 2019 | 2.90 | % | ||
C05a - Baby’s first feed breastmilk | Newborn | Persons | 2018/19 | 67.4 | % | ||
C06 - Smoking status at time of delivery | All ages | Female | 2019/20 | 10.4 | % | ||
C07 - Proportion of New Birth Visits (NBVs) completed within 14 days | <14 days | Persons | 2019/20 | 86.8 & | % | ||
C08a - Child development: percentage of children achieving a good level of development at 2-2½ years | 2-2.5 yrs | Persons | 2019/20 | 83.3 | % | ||
C08b - Child development: percentage of children achieving the expected level in communication skills at 2-2½ years | 2-2.5 yrs | Persons | 2019/20 | 88.9 | % | ||
C08c - Child development: percentage of children achieving the expected level in personal-social skills at 2-2½ years | 2-2.5 yrs | Persons | 2019/20 | 92.9 | % | ||
C09a - Reception: Prevalence of overweight (including obesity) | 4-5 yrs | Persons | 2019/20 | 23.0 | % | ||
C09b - Year 6: Prevalence of overweight (including obesity) | 10-11 yrs | Persons | 2019/20 | 35.2 | % | ||
C10 - Percentage of physically active children and young people | 5-16 yrs | Persons | 2019/20 | 44.9 | % | ||
C11a - Hospital admissions caused by unintentional and deliberate injuries in children (aged 0-14 years) | <15 yrs | Persons | 2019/20 | 91.2 | per 10,000 | ||
C11a - Hospital admissions caused by unintentional and deliberate injuries in children (aged 0-4 years) | 0-4 yrs | Persons | 2019/20 | 117.0 | per 10,000 | ||
C11b - Hospital admissions caused by unintentional and deliberate injuries in young people (aged 15-24 years) | 15-24 yrs | Persons | 2019/20 | 132.1 | per 10,000 | ||
C12 - Percentage of looked after children whose emotional wellbeing is a cause for concern | 5-16 yrs | Persons | 2019/20 | 37.4 | % | ||
C13a - Smoking prevalence age 15 years - regular smokers (SDD survey) | 15 yrs | Persons | 2018 | 5.27 | % | ||
C13b - Smoking prevalence age 15 years - occasional smokers (SDD survey) | 15 yrs | Persons | 2018 | 6.05 | % | ||
C14b - Emergency Hospital Admissions for Intentional Self-Harm | All ages | Persons | 2019/20 | 192.6 | per 100,000 | ||
C15 - Proportion of the population meeting the recommended ‘5-a-day’ on a ‘usual day’ (adults) | 16+ yrs | Persons | 2019/20 | 55.4 | % | ||
C16 - Percentage of adults (aged 18+) classified as overweight or obese | 18+ yrs | Persons | 2019/20 | 62.8 | % | ||
C17a - Percentage of physically active adults | 19+ yrs | Persons | 2019/20 | 66.4 | % | ||
C17b - Percentage of physically inactive adults | 19+ yrs | Persons | 2019/20 | 22.9 | % | ||
C18 - Smoking Prevalence in adults (18+) - current smokers (APS) | 18+ yrs | Persons | 2019 | 13.9 | % | ||
C19a - Successful completion of drug treatment - opiate users | 18+ yrs | Persons | 2019 | 5.61 | % | ||
C19b - Successful completion of drug treatment - non-opiate users | 18+ yrs | Persons | 2019 | 34.2 | % | ||
C19c - Successful completion of alcohol treatment | 18+ yrs | Persons | 2019 | 37.8 | % | ||
C19d - Deaths from drug misuse | All ages | Persons | 2017 - 19 | 4.70 | per 100,000 | ||
C20 - Adults with substance misuse treatment need who successfully engage in community-based structured treatment following release from prison | 18+ yrs | Persons | 2019/20 | 34.5 | % | ||
C21 - Admission episodes for alcohol-related conditions (Narrow) | All ages | Persons | 2018/19 | 663.7 | per 100,000 | ||
C22 - Estimated diabetes diagnosis rate | 17+ yrs | Persons | 2018 | 78.0 | % | ||
C23 - Percentage of cancers diagnosed at stages 1 and 2 | All ages | Persons | 2018 | 55.0 | % | ||
C24a - Cancer screening coverage - breast cancer | 53-70 yrs | Female | 2020 | 74.1 ~ | % | ||
C24b - Cancer screening coverage - cervical cancer (aged 25 to 49 years old) | 25-49 yrs | Female | 2020 | 70.2 ~ | % | ||
C24c - Cancer screening coverage - cervical cancer (aged 50 to 64 years old) | 50-64 yrs | Female | 2020 | 76.1 ~ | % | ||
C24d - Cancer screening coverage - bowel cancer | 60-74 yrs | Persons | 2020 | 63.8 ~ | % | ||
C24e - Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Screening - Coverage | 65 | Male | 2019/20 | 76.1 ~ | % | ||
C24f - Diabetic eye screening - uptake | 12+ yrs | Persons | 2019/20 | 81.5 ~ | % | ||
C24g - Fetal Anomaly Screening - Coverage | Not applicable | Female | 2019/20 | 99.1 ~ | % | ||
C24h - Infectious Diseases in Pregnancy Screening - HIV Coverage | All ages | Female | 2019/20 | 99.8 ~ | % | ||
C24i - Infectious Diseases in Pregnancy Screening - Syphilis Coverage | All ages | Female | 2019/20 | 99.8 ~ | % | ||
C24j - Infectious Diseases in Pregnancy Screening - Hepatitis B Coverage | All ages | Female | 2019/20 | 99.8 ~ | % | ||
C24k - Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia Screening - Coverage | All ages | Female | 2019/20 | 99.7 ~ | % | ||
C24l - Newborn Blood Spot Screening - Coverage | <1 yr | Persons | 2019/20 | 97.9 ~ | % | ||
C24m - Newborn Hearing Screening - Coverage | <1 yr | Persons | 2019/20 | 98.2 ~ | % | ||
C24n - Newborn and Infant Physical Examination Screening - Coverage | <1 yr | Persons | 2019/20 | 96.7 ~ | % | ||
C26a - Cumulative percentage of the eligible population aged 40-74 offered an NHS Health Check | 40-74 yrs | Persons | 2016/17 - 20/21 | 71.8 | % | ||
C26b - Cumulative percentage of the eligible population aged 40-74 offered an NHS Health Check who received an NHS Health Check | 40-74 yrs | Persons | 2016/17 - 20/21 | 46.5 | % | ||
C26c - Cumulative percentage of the eligible population aged 40-74 who received an NHS Health check | 40-74 yrs | Persons | 2016/17 - 20/21 | 33.4 | % | ||
C27 - Percentage reporting a long term Musculoskeletal (MSK) problem | 16+ yrs | Persons | 2020 | 18.6 | % | ||
C28a - Self-reported wellbeing - people with a low satisfaction score | 16+ yrs | Persons | 2019/20 | 4.68 | % | ||
C28b - Self-reported wellbeing - people with a low worthwhile score | 16+ yrs | Persons | 2019/20 | 3.81 | % | ||
C28c - Self-reported wellbeing - people with a low happiness score | 16+ yrs | Persons | 2019/20 | 8.72 | % | ||
C28d - Self-reported wellbeing - people with a high anxiety score | 16+ yrs | Persons | 2019/20 | 21.9 | % | ||
C29 - Emergency hospital admissions due to falls in people aged 65 and over | 65+ yrs | Persons | 2019/20 | 2222 | per 100,000 | ||
C29 - Emergency hospital admissions due to falls in people aged 65-79 | 65-79 yrs | Persons | 2019/20 | 1042 | per 100,000 | ||
C29 - Emergency hospital admissions due to falls in people aged 80+ | 80+ yrs | Persons | 2019/20 | 5644 | per 100,000 | ||
2.02ii - Breastfeeding prevalence at 6-8 weeks after birth - current method | 6-8 weeks | Persons | 2019/20 | 48.0 & | % |
Indicator | Age | Sex | Period | Value | Unit | Recent trend | Change from previous |
D01 - Fraction of mortality attributable to particulate air pollution | 30+ yrs | Persons | 2019 | 5.13 | % | ||
D02a - Chlamydia detection rate / 100,000 aged 15 to 24 | 15-24 yrs | Persons | 2019 | 2043 * | per 100,000 | ||
D02b - New STI diagnoses (exc chlamydia aged <25) / 100,000 | 15-64 yrs | Persons | 2019 | 900.3 | per 100,000 | ||
D03c - Population vaccination coverage - Dtap / IPV / Hib (1 year old) | 1 yr | Persons | 2019/20 | 92.6 * | % | ||
D03d - Population vaccination coverage - MenB (1 year) | 1 yr | Persons | 2019/20 | 92.5 * | % | ||
D03e - Population vaccination coverage - Rotavirus (Rota) (1 year) | 1 yr | Persons | 2019/20 | 90.1 * | % | ||
D03f - Population vaccination coverage - PCV | 1 yr | Persons | 2019/20 | 93.2 * | % | ||
D03h - Population vaccination coverage - Dtap / IPV / Hib (2 years old) | 2 yrs | Persons | 2019/20 | 93.8 * | % | ||
D03i - Population vaccination coverage - MenB booster (2 years) | 2 yrs | Persons | 2019/20 | 88.7 * | % | ||
D03j - Population vaccination coverage - MMR for one dose (2 years old) | 2 yrs | Persons | 2019/20 | 90.6 * | % | ||
D03k - Population vaccination coverage - PCV booster | 2 yrs | Persons | 2019/20 | 90.4 * | % | ||
D03l - Population vaccination coverage - Flu (2-3 years old) | 2-3 yrs | Persons | 2019/20 | 43.8 * | % | ||
D03m - Population vaccination coverage - Hib / MenC booster (2 years old) | 2 yrs | Persons | 2019/20 | 90.5 * | % | ||
D04a - Population vaccination coverage - DTaP/IPV booster (5 years) | 5 yrs | Persons | 2019/20 | 85.4 * | % | ||
D04b - Population vaccination coverage - MMR for one dose (5 years old) | 5 yrs | Persons | 2019/20 | 94.5 * | % | ||
D04c - Population vaccination coverage - MMR for two doses (5 years old) | 5 yrs | Persons | 2019/20 | 86.8 * | % | ||
D04d - Population vaccination coverage - Flu (primary school aged children) | 4-11 yrs | Persons | 2019 | 60.4 ~ * | % | ||
D04e - Population vaccination coverage - HPV vaccination coverage for one dose (12-13 years old) | 12-13 yrs | Female | 2019/20 | 59.2 * | % | ||
D04e - Population vaccination coverage - HPV vaccination coverage for one dose (12-13 years old) | 12-13 yrs | Male | 2019/20 | 54.4 * | % | ||
D04f - Population vaccination coverage - HPV vaccination coverage for two doses (13-14 years old) | 13-14 yrs | Female | 2019/20 | 64.7 * | % | ||
D04g - Population vaccination coverage - Meningococcal ACWY conjugate vaccine (MenACWY) (14-15 years) | 14-15 yrs | Persons | 2019/20 | 87.0 * | % | ||
D05 - Population vaccination coverage - Flu (at risk individuals) | 6 months-64 yrs | Persons | 2019/20 | 44.9 * | % | ||
D06a - Population vaccination coverage - Flu (aged 65+) | 65+ yrs | Persons | 2019/20 | 72.4 * | % | ||
D06b - Population vaccination coverage - PPV | 65+ yrs | Persons | 2019/20 | 69.0 * | % | ||
D06c - Population vaccination coverage – Shingles vaccination coverage (71 years) | 71 | Persons | 2018/19 | 49.1 * | % | ||
D07 - HIV late diagnosis (%) | 15+ yrs | Persons | 2017 - 19 | 43.1 * | % | ||
D08a - Proportion of drug sensitive TB cases who had completed a full course of treatment by 12 months | All ages | Persons | 2018 | 83.6 | % | ||
D08b - TB incidence (three year average) | All ages | Persons | 2017 - 19 | 8.58 | per 100,000 | ||
D09 - NHS organisations with a board approved sustainable development management plan | Not applicable | Not applicable | 2015/16 | 66.2 | % | ||
D10 - Adjusted antibiotic prescribing in primary care by the NHS | All ages | Persons | 2020 | 0.75 * | per STAR-PU |
Indicator | Age | Sex | Period | Value | Unit | Recent trend | Change from previous |
E01 - Infant mortality rate | <1 yr | Persons | 2017 - 19 | 3.95 | per 1,000 | ||
E02 - Percentage of 5 year olds with experience of visually obvious dental decay | 5 yrs | Persons | 2018/19 | 23.4 | % | ||
E03 - Under 75 mortality rate from causes considered preventable (2019 definition) | <75 yrs | Persons | 2017 - 19 | 142.2 | per 100,000 | ||
E04a - Under 75 mortality rate from all cardiovascular diseases | <75 yrs | Persons | 2017 - 19 | 70.4 | per 100,000 | ||
E04b - Under 75 mortality rate from cardiovascular diseases considered preventable (2019 definition) | <75 yrs | Persons | 2017 - 19 | 28.2 | per 100,000 | ||
E05a - Under 75 mortality rate from cancer | <75 yrs | Persons | 2017 - 19 | 129.2 | per 100,000 | ||
E05b - Under 75 mortality rate from cancer considered preventable (2019 definition) | <75 yrs | Persons | 2017 - 19 | 54.1 | per 100,000 | ||
E06a - Under 75 mortality rate from liver disease | <75 yrs | Persons | 2017 - 19 | 18.5 | per 100,000 | ||
E06b - Under 75 mortality rate from liver disease considered preventable (2019 definition) | <75 yrs | Persons | 2017 - 19 | 16.4 | per 100,000 | ||
E07a - Under 75 mortality rate from respiratory disease | <75 yrs | Persons | 2017 - 19 | 34.2 | per 100,000 | ||
E07b - Under 75 mortality rate from respiratory disease considered preventable (2019 definition) | <75 yrs | Persons | 2017 - 19 | 20.0 | per 100,000 | ||
E08 - Mortality rate from a range of specified communicable diseases, including influenza | All ages | Persons | 2017 - 19 | 11.2 | per 100,000 | ||
E09a - Premature mortality in adults with severe mental illness (SMI) | 18-74 yrs | Persons | 2015 - 17 | 90.5 | per 100,000 | ||
E09b - Excess under 75 mortality rate in adults with severe mental illness (SMI) | 18-74 yrs | Persons | 2015 - 17 | 355.4 | % | ||
E10 - Suicide rate | 10+ yrs | Persons | 2017 - 19 | 10.1 | per 100,000 | ||
E11 - Emergency readmissions within 30 days of discharge from hospital | All ages | Persons | 2019/20 | 14.4 | % | ||
E12a - Preventable sight loss - age related macular degeneration (AMD) | 65+ yrs | Persons | 2019/20 | 105.4 | per 100,000 | ||
E12b - Preventable sight loss - glaucoma | 40+ yrs | Persons | 2019/20 | 12.9 | per 100,000 | ||
E12c - Preventable sight loss - diabetic eye disease | 12+ yrs | Persons | 2019/20 | 2.95 | per 100,000 | ||
E12d - Preventable sight loss - sight loss certifications | All ages | Persons | 2019/20 | 41.4 | per 100,000 | ||
E13 - Hip fractures in people aged 65 and over | 65+ yrs | Persons | 2019/20 | 571.6 | per 100,000 | ||
E13 - Hip fractures in people aged 65-79 | 65-79 yrs | Persons | 2019/20 | 239.7 | per 100,000 | ||
E13 - Hip fractures in people aged 80+ | 80+ yrs | Persons | 2019/20 | 1534 | per 100,000 | ||
E14 - Excess winter deaths index | All ages | Persons | Aug 2018 - Jul 2019 | 15.1 | % | ||
E14 - Excess winter deaths index (age 85+) | 85+ yrs | Persons | Aug 2018 - Jul 2019 | 18.2 | % | ||
E15 - Estimated dementia diagnosis rate (aged 65 and over) | 65+ yrs | Persons | 2021 | 61.6 * | % |
symbols | Data note |
* | Value compared to a goal (see below) |
~ | Aggregated from all known lower geography values |
$ | Due to an issue with HES coding in East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust in 2018/19, for which approximately 85,000 records erroneously had all diagnosis codes removed, this value should be treated with caution. In 2018/19, between 1 to 10% of patients that attended hospital from this area had records that were missing diagnosis codes |
^ | Value is modelled or synthetic estimate |
& | Annual figure includes constituent area(s) with annual figure scaled up data from three quarters’ data |
Indicator Name | Green | Amber | Red |
D02a - Chlamydia detection rate / 100,000 aged 15 to 24 | >= 2,300 | 1,900-2,300 | < 1,900 |
D03c - Population vaccination coverage - Dtap / IPV / Hib (1 year old) | >= 95% | 90-95% | < 90% |
D03d - Population vaccination coverage - MenB (1 year) | >= 95% | 90-95% | < 90% |
D03e - Population vaccination coverage - Rotavirus (Rota) (1 year) | >= 95% | 90-95% | < 90% |
D03f - Population vaccination coverage - PCV | >= 95% | 90-95% | < 90% |
D03h - Population vaccination coverage - Dtap / IPV / Hib (2 years old) | >= 95% | 90-95% | < 90% |
D03i - Population vaccination coverage - MenB booster (2 years) | >= 95% | 90-95% | < 90% |
D03j - Population vaccination coverage - MMR for one dose (2 years old) | >= 95% | 90-95% | < 90% |
D03k - Population vaccination coverage - PCV booster | >= 95% | 90-95% | < 90% |
D03l - Population vaccination coverage - Flu (2-3 years old) | >= 65% | 40-65% | < 40% |
D03m - Population vaccination coverage - Hib / MenC booster (2 years old) | >= 95% | 90-95% | < 90% |
D04a - Population vaccination coverage - DTaP/IPV booster (5 years) | >= 95% | 90-95% | < 90% |
D04b - Population vaccination coverage - MMR for one dose (5 years old) | >= 95% | 90-95% | < 90% |
D04c - Population vaccination coverage - MMR for two doses (5 years old) | >= 95% | 90-95% | < 90% |
D04d - Population vaccination coverage - Flu (primary school aged children) | >= 65% | <65% | |
D04e - Population vaccination coverage - HPV vaccination coverage for one dose (12-13 years old) | >= 90% | 80-90% | < 80% |
D04f - Population vaccination coverage - HPV vaccination coverage for two doses (13-14 years old) | >= 90% | 80-90% | < 80% |
D04g - Population vaccination coverage - Meningococcal ACWY conjugate vaccine (MenACWY) (14-15 years) | >= 90% | 80-90% | < 80% |
D05 - Population vaccination coverage - Flu (at risk individuals) | >= 55% | < 55% | |
D06a - Population vaccination coverage - Flu (aged 65+) | >= 75% | < 75% | |
D06b - Population vaccination coverage - PPV | >= 75% | 65-75% | < 65% |
D06c - Population vaccination coverage – Shingles vaccination coverage (71 years) | >= 60% | 50-60% | < 50% |
D07 - HIV late diagnosis (%) | < 25% | 25-50% | >= 50% |
D10 - Adjusted antibiotic prescribing in primary care by the NHS | <= mean England prescribing (2013/14) | > mean England prescribing (2013/14) | |
E15 - Estimated dementia diagnosis rate (aged 65 and over) | >= 66.7% (significantly) | Similar to 66.7% | < 66.7% (significantly) |